"You failed to kill the Rangers!" Scrozzle taunted.
"I chose not to kill them yet. Besides, my bot had lasted longer than yours and did more damage," I said, "but I have a better plan. Master Evox, the Mystic Force Rangers once had to face these guys called the Ten Terrors. What if we created our own version of them using combinations of Attack Bots and other enemies, then send all ten out at once?"
"Very well. But each time one of them fails, you will be the one to pay the price."
I know the Rangers will beat them somehow...but I also hope that they'll find out about me before then because I really don't want to be the one Evox is mad at...
"Yes, Master Evox," I replied with a bow. I then turned to Scrozzle, Roxy and Blaze. "The next attack bot is going to have the head of the Generation 9 Amphibious Attack Bot that'll shoot powerful water blasts from its mouth. The arms will be from the Subterranean Plutonic Gopher Bot, allowing it to dig underground. The Boom Bot will be used for the legs and it'll be able to shoot soundwaves. Finally the body will be from the generation 9 Noz Bot but it'll have extra armor on it. I'll call that one... Wavebreaker Attack Bot," I explained. Scrozzle just sighed and nodded.
"Roxy and Blaze, take the Generation 28 Attack Bot and gather Morph X," Evox ordered. They grumbled but obeyed.
"I'll go too," I said. I still didn't really believe that Roxy and Blaze appreciated me being here and I didn't want to leave them alone with my bot.
"No, I need you to finish giving Scrozzle the rest of your plans for the remaining eight attack bots," Master Evox said. I was partly grateful he ordered me to stay here so I wouldn't be able to hurt my friends, but I didn't want to give Scrozzle the rest of my ideas either. I sighed and obeyed. I explained all eight of my other ideas. The only two that weren't combinations were Engine Banki and Nunchuck Banki.
"You do realize this will take quite a bit of time, right? Not to mention the amount of Morph X," Scrozzle said.
"I know," I rolled my eyes. "I'm not crazy. I don't expect it to be done all at once. We'll make one at a time, then once all of them are ready, unleash the ultimate attack and in the meantime, I'll wear the Rangers down bit by bit. After I kill them, we'll have unlimited access to Morph X and master Evox will be able to return."
After a while, Roxy, Blaze, and my attack bot returned...with a ton of Morph X. "I underestimated your robot, kid. I like it. It's fun," Blaze commented.
"One, I'm not a kid. Two, thanks. Though I can't take all the credit, Venjix designed most of the parts. I just took his ideas and combined them," I replied.
"The Rangers got away," Roxy mentioned.
Of course they did.
"Of course they did. I wasn't there to kill them myself," I responded.
"This is enough Morph X for the next addition...the Wavebreaker Attack Bot is what you called it, right?" Scrozzle said, and I nodded.
"The Rangers won't stand a chance against two of my bots, but it won't be any fun if they don't get to see all 10 before I tear them limb from limb," I replied.
"Scrozzle, how is the other project coming along?" Master Evox then asked.
"I'm almost done coming up with the plans."
"Excellent. It's only a matter of time before we are in control of the world and the Morphing Grid."
Oh no...other project? None of Evox's projects are ever good...
"Other project?" Roxy asked, voicing my thoughts.
"That's none of your concern right now. Just focus on getting as much Morph X as you can," Scrozzle answered.
Huh...I gotta figure out what Evox is planning. As much as I hate to admit it, I have been pretty successful at accomplishing my missions. Evox hasn't gotten mad at me...yet. I hope he trusts me enough to tell me his plan, especially since I can't do anything else but observe.
The next day, Roxy, Blaze and I took my two bots out for some fun and to get more Morph X. "Roxy and Blaze, you two get the Morph X. My bots and I will distract the Rangers when they come," I ordered. They didn't look too pleased, but they obeyed. Wavebreaker, my G28 bot and I started causing chaos out in public. People ran away, screaming as we blew things up. Sure enough, the Rangers came to stop us.
"You again!" Red exclaimed.
"Aw, did you miss me?" I taunted, my voice disguised.
"Woah...two gigatrons?" Blue asked.
"Not gigatrons...attack bots," Yellow corrected.
"Very observant. Yes, these are attack bots, but nothing like their predecessors. Wavebreaker here, like my generation 28 attack bot, is a combination of previous attack bots....with a few upgrades," I casually explained with a smirk.
"No matter what you come up with, we'll stop you!" Red said, his voice filled with determination.
"Ha! In your dreams. Bots, attack!" I ordered, and my two bots attacked. The Blue Ranger fought my Generation 28 bot, Wavebreaker fought the Yellow Ranger, and I fought the Red Ranger.
"Wolf Saber!"
"Beast X Saber!"
Our swords clashed, sparks flying in a symphony of steel meeting steel. We fought back and forth for a few moments, neither of us willing to back down.
Devon has gotten stronger since last time... knowing him, he's probably been training harder. I hope he doesn't get consumed with it...
In my momentary distraction, I felt the sharp sting of a cut on my left forearm, blood mingling with sweat as it trailed down my arm. The Red Ranger had managed to injure me. I stumbled back. "It's true...you really are human..." Red said, surprise evident in his voice.
"Yeah... you didn't believe me when I told you? That's why I'm so much stronger than Roxy and Blaze," I responded.
"We got the Morph X," I heard Blaze say over the comm.
"Good. Get it back to Scrozzle. I'll be right behind you," I replied quietly. Blue and Yellow were thrown next to Red and they demorphed as my bots came next to me.
"Guys! Are you okay?" Red asked worriedly as he checked on his friends.
"I'd love to stay and play more, but for the time being, I have more important things to work on. See ya," I said as the three of us teleported out.

The Beast Inside
Fanfiction*A Power Rangers Beast Morphers fanfic* Kalindi McCall (known by her friends as Kali) always felt like an outsider. She was into karate and video games, things people wouldn't expect a typical young adult girl to be into. On top of that, she was a h...