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Ethan: It's been going well, we've had alot of customers lately, especially during weekends. Shane: Are you still mad at me for dating Jessica? Ethan: No, i'm not mad anymore. Shane: That's good. Ethan: Yeah, i just needed some time, but i forgive you and Jessica. Jessica: Thanks, Ethan, i'm happy that you're not mad. Ethan: Me too. A little later: They finish eating their food, and they are about to go. Jessica is sad, Shane sees it. Shane: What's wrong? Jessica: It's just. Shane: Just what? Jessica: My brother has finally forgiven us, and i can't keep anymore secrets from him. Shane: You mean that secret that i'm a merman? Jessica: Yeah, and Jake and Emma are merman and mermaid too. Shane: Are you saying that we should tell Ethan about me, Jake and Emma? Jessica: Yes, it's for the best. Shane: Okay. Jake and Emma goes over to Jessica and Shane. Jake: What's going on? Jessica: Shane and i were just discussing whether we should tell Ethan about you, Shane and Emma's true identities as merfolk. Emma: It's a big decision, but i think it's the right thing to do, keeping secrets can only lead to more problems in the long run. Shane: I agree, Ethan has already shown us forgiveness, and he deserves to know the truth about who we really are. Jessica: So, what do you all think? Should we tell Ethan? Suddenly is Ethan coming. Ethan: Tell me what? Jessica: Ethan, we have something important to tell you, Shane, Jake and Emma are not entirely human, they are actually merfolk. Ethan: Merfolk? Like mermens and mermaid? Shane: Yes, exactly, it's who we truly are, and we couldn't keep it from you any longer. Ethan: I, i don't know what to say, this is alot to take in, i mean always knew and had a feeling that something weird was going on. Emma: We understand if you need time to process this, we should have been honest with you from the beginning.

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