Chapter 42

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Hermione stared from her place at the farthest edge of the long leather couch in the middle of Slytherins common room. Her eyes bugging comically around at the large group of students ranging from eighteen to eleven.
The youngest of them yawned widely, tears bubbling at the corners of their eyes as the elder years kept them standing, looking rather alert.
At the front of the group, Hailee stood beside Malfoy. Her back propped against the dead fire mantle. Malfoy stood next to her, looking much better with his groomed hair and uniform neatly tucked.

"What's this about?" One of the seventh years snidely asked. Her hair pulled up in curls, the black sticking apart from her pale skin.
Hailee scanned the room of Slytherin students once more, before sighing. She looked near dead, Hermione dully took notice.

"There's no need for the attitude Yasmin." A man said, his voice small and kind unlike the girls.
She only rolled her eyes.

"It's about Umbridge." Hailee said, briefly crossing her arms before grabbing back onto the mantle when she nearly toppled sideways. "I'm sure you all have an idea —well, some of you have an idea on why Slytherin has been coming to the common room before dinner."
Hermione noted the younger years confusion, and the elder years knowing looks.
Hailee sighed, rubbing her nape. "Well another member of the other club, leaked what was happening —as we cautioned in the first place, but the confrontation didn't go nearly as smoothly as we had vaguely planned."
"What happened?"
Hailee frowned, "Dumbledores left the school, leaving Umbridge behind."

Silence filled the common room.
Hermione cautiously glanced around, before her eyebrows pushed together in confusion.
Not one —even the first years— seemed surprised by this news.

"How did it happen?" A young girl asked this time.

Malfoy, along with the rest of the groups eyes shot to Hermione. She tensed when the rest of the Slytherins glanced their gazes her way.
Yasmin sneered at Hermione, before turning to Hailee.

"What does this mean Hailee?" She demanded, eyes narrowing.
Hailee shook her head. "Not what you're thinking."
Yasmin's shoulders loosened only the slightest.
"From what we've already seen, I suppose Umbridge will take on the role of Headmistress. This means all of you have to be on your best behavior, while we took precautions before, I want it doubled down. Uniform checks before anyone leaves the common room, raise your hand and only speak when spoken to. You will not fight, you will not joke, you will not step a single toe out of line when you are not in this common room. That means Slytherin will be the quietest, the most forgotten House in Hogwarts —for those studying for O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s, you will study in the common room or in your dorms. You will only go to the library to check books in and out —no one goes outside unless it is for classes, no one will look in the general direction of the Forbidden Forest. We will be the House Umbridge uses as an example —points will not be taken, only gained —am I understood?"
A resounding nods and 'yes' followed immediately afterward.

"Everyone's schedules will be posted on the billboard." Malfoy said. "No one will leave the common room alone —best act in pairs or even groups for now on. Those who share classes will walk together, be one another's pat downs. Uniform and homework checks will begin just before breakfast starts at six o'clock Monday through Friday —Potter and I will give updates on extracurricular activities... as for the classes we have," Everyone tensed. "They will resume, we will continue as we have. If there are common room checks done by Umbridge, I will have Professor Snape inform me. While this is one of the worst case scenarios, we needn't twist our lives completely for Umbridge. The common room will be our sanctuary more than ever —any rivalries within the house will be forgotten until than, yes?"
Another resounding 'yes' and nods followed.

Malfoy glanced at Hailee. She nodded.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, we will go over homework and reestablish the dress code. No one will be going to Hogsmeade."

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