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The next morning, I was jolted awake by Sloane's ear-piercing screams. It was as if the world was ending, and I was convinced my eardrums would never recover. I rubbed my temples, trying to ward off the impending headache.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Sloane chirped, bouncing onto my bed. "Rise and shine, Carrie!"

I glared at her, trying to muster up some sarcasm. "Oh, joy. Another day with you, Sloane. How ever will I survive?"

Sloane laughed, tossing a pillow at me. "You love me, Carrie. Admit it."

I rolled my eyes, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. "I tolerate you, Sloane. There's a difference."

As we bantered back and forth, Alana and Avery stirred, joining in on the conversation. Our friendship was built on sarcasm and humor, and I cherished it.

Glancing at the clock, I gasped. "It's almost 9 o'clock! What have I been doing with my life?"

Sloane grinned mischievously. "Sleeping, obviously. Now come eat breakfast. I ordered English breakfast - bacon, eggs, sausages, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, and toast."

My stomach growled in anticipation as I followed Sloane to the dining table. The spread was indeed delicious, and I felt like I was experiencing a taste of England.

As we devoured our breakfast, we planned our day. Suddenly, Avery's phone rang, and she excused herself to answer it outside.

Alana whispered, "I bet it's Hayden. Avery's been stressed about their relationship lately."

I nodded in agreement. Avery's relationship with Hayden was complicated, to say the least. They loved each other, but they were in a situationship - no labels, no commitment, just a tangled web of emotions.

Avery returned, looking a bit frazzled. Sloane asked, "Everything okay, Ave?"

Avery forced a smile. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just my girlfriend being her usual dramatic self."

I thought to myself, Avery is one of the kindest and most romantic people I've ever met. She cares deeply about those around her, and her love for Hayden is genuine. But their relationship is complex, and I worry about Avery's heart.

As we finished breakfast, we decided to explore Richmond's historic district. Little did we know, the day had more in store for us than we anticipated.

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