1. jungwon and sunoo

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Hi, guys! I mainly post my works on ao3, but I've been around here for a long time, and I've always wanted to share my writing with you guys, too! So, here I am!

Much love to you guys! Let's get on with the story now!

     when jungwon finds out that lee heeseung has found himself a boyfriend, he is... shocked, to say the least. he wouldn't call the relationship that he has with the older man, 'familial', since what they actually are, are heirs to two rival ceos competing against each other, for permanent monopoly on south korea's tech industry. but, heeseung has been around ever since jungwon could walk, and there's a reason why he addresses the blond man as hyung, instead of ahjussi, when it comes to honorifics he stockpiles for non-blood related acquaintances.

     the point is, jungwon has known heeseung for a long time. and, he has it on good authority that his hyung has had no experience in dating, despite his countless ardent admirers, apart from a four-month stint during senior year in high school, which consisted of shy hand-holding and stolen glances. heeseung has always been more of the type who focuses on life instead of love, and doesn't find anything wrong with doing so, but he's also always been exclusively interested in the female gender, during his adolescent stages, which is what makes the news hard to stomach.

     "maybe, hyung just found his 'the one'?" sunoo says, diplomatically, his calm tone at odds with the furious manner he's stirring the bowl of cake batter he's cradling. "not everything has to be suspicious, won-ah."

     "maybe," jungwon says, shrugging. "or, maybe, hyung's being taken advantage of!"

     an airy laugh escapes sunoo's mouth, in response to that statement. "you're cute."

     jungwon huffs, a bit irritated that he's not being taken seriously. "you know what hyung's like! he rolls over for anyone with a half-decent sob story, and then, we're the ones who have to clean up his messes!"

     sunoo frowns, setting the bowl down, on the island. "that's a little harsh."

     "you know it's true."

     "yes, but everything always works out, in the end, doesn't it?" sunoo counters, turning away. "it's not like hyung can't take care of himself. sure, he's way too nice, and soft-hearted, but he's incredible at his job, so you have to give him some credit, jungwon."

     "this isn't his job," jungwon protests. "this is his heart! i don't want to be that guy, but hyung might actually be in danger of getting it broken, now that he's handed it off, to this... this scary australian guy!"

     sunoo blinks. "how do you know it's a scary australian guy?"

     jungwon rolls his eyes. "i did my research on him as soon as heeseung hyung told us that he wants us to meet him, obviously. do keep up, hyung."

     "well, they're going to be arriving any minute, now," sunoo says, waving his hand at the clock hanging on the opposite wall. "let's go, out front. we don't want to appear rude in front of hyung's boyfriend."

     "it might even the playing ground," jungwon says, dawdling a little, on purpose. "we might even get the upper hand, if we make this jake guy uncomfortable-"

     "jungwonie," sunoo says, fixing him with a stern look. "this isn't a business deal. this is heeseung hyung introducing us to a person he really likes. do you want hyung to get upset with us?"

     "ugh, you sound like my dad," jungwon complains, but dutifully hops off the three-legged stool he's been perched on, for the last half an hour. "fine, i'll be on my best behavior."

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