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"You fight like a coward! Where is your power, all the strength? You are weak!" Astrid's voice rang out sharply. Both of them were walking in a circle, not breaking eye contact. The air was thick with tension, both of them trying to control their breath as they did this for over a hour now. Astrid was set to join Abe on his dangerous mission but that would be just in a few days as she wanted to ensure he could hold himself in combat.

"Shut up!" Abe screamed, his frustration boiling over. With a burst of speed, he lunged at Astrid, delivering a powerful kick to her stomach. She crumpled to the ground, gasping for breath, as he swiftly brought his sword to her neck, the cold steel pressing against her skin. Straddling her, he panted heavily, his eyes wild with adrenaline. Despite the situation, Astrid smirked up at him, the corners of her mouth curling with satisfaction. Her mission had begun to succeed, in just a few days Abe would become a true warrior.

"Are you going to keep me on the ground, or what?" Astrid challenged, her voice calm despite the blade at her throat. Abe hesitated before withdrawing the sword and extending a hand to help her up. She grasped it firmly, pulling herself to her feet. 

Astrid walked over to the wooden stands that lined the edge of the tent, each one holding a different sword. These were the swords of her ancestors, each one telling a story of bravery and sacrifice. She placed her sword back in its rightful place among them, the metal clinking softly as it settled. She ran her fingers over the intricate carvings on the hilt, feeling the weight of her family's legacy. Astrid was the last of them as their parents died a long time ago...

"How did you learn to fight?" Abe asked, genuine curiosity softening his features. The question caught Astrid off guard, and for a moment, she felt like she was pulled back in time, seeing her father in this very tent, guiding her through the movements, his stern yet loving eyes watching her every step.  "My dad," she replied shortly, brushing off the memory. "Now enough with the questions. You know I still haven't talked with Jamal about all of this?" She pulled the tie from her hair, letting the long strands of hair fall freely around her shoulders. "Astrid, you have to!" Abe insisted, moving closer. He could see the conflict in her eyes, the weight of responsibility pressing heavily on her. I mean she was just 17 years old and started to lead her people at 14...leaving her people behind felt hard for her, like she was betraying them, but a deal was a a deal. "Just give me time... I have to make sure everything is going perfectly in the camp before leaving."

"But you know we can't lose time!" Abe insisted more and more, it's like every time they were with each other, he would bring this up and the whole atmosphere was broken. "You tell me that every minute of your life! I know it, and I bet your friend didn't get that far, I know the woods, I know the danger there, the tribes. It's not an easy way." Astrid voice was full of rage, Abe was getting on her nerves. What was so important about this girl that the city wanted her so badly? That is what Astrid always wondered. 

"Alright, I will do as you say." Abe stopped fighting for once. He could see the pressure on Astrid and he felt bad making her feel more stressed. Abe touched her shoulder, comforting her, knowing his mistake. Astrid looked into his eyes, this time her tension left her body and she said with a calm voice "Just believe in me, I keep my deals, today there is a meeting with the ambassadors, I will see if everything is going well with the food, water and all that stuff and I will announce them with the plan of me leaving for a couple of days."

And there she was, in the dimly lit room, the flickering light of oil lamps casting dancing shadows on the tent's walls adorned with ancient drawings. Astrid sat at the wooden table with the ambassadors, their faces illuminated in the wavering light. She listened to their opinions, each voice contributing to the collective murmur. She was usually concentrating on their opinion as she was the one that made the final call but tonight her mind wandered somewhere else. Astrid felt again pressure and stress on her shoulders as at the end of their meeting, Astrid had to make her announcement. She feared their judgment, as the possibility of them feeling betrayed by their leader could cause something bad not only for her but also for the people of Fayakru.

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