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Blake wandered around the camp, her steps echoing softly in the morning air. She was alone with her thoughts. The people around her still cast suspicious glances her way, but she didn't mind. She had expected them to act like that, after all, she was an outsider, they didn't know anything about her. As long as they kept their distance, didn't cause a scene, and did nothing more than stare, she could handle it like she did in the city. Reaching the center of the camp, Blake paused, turning slowly to take in everything. Children played while adults went about their tasks, and she wanted to help them with something as well, that could earn their trust much faster. Suddenly, a ball rolled to her feet, as she looked down, then up she saw a group of children racing towards her. One of them, a boy with a grin, and excitement in his eyes, called out. "Hey! Do you want to play with us?" Blake smiled, recognizing also between the children, the girl who brought her food the night she wanted to escape. "Sure." She replied, smirking the kids in front of her. "Let's see if you can keep up."

The children cheered, their faces lighting up with joy. They quickly formed teams and the game began. Blake found herself running, passing the ball with a freedom she hadn't felt in ages. The last time she remembered playing was with her two best friends and also their fathers, it was a match between kids and adults. The children's laughter was infectious, and soon Blake was laughing too. For a moment, she forgot about the reason she was there. She forgot about the city, the pain. Here, at that moment, there was only joy.

Blake got the ball, and sprinted towards the goal, her eyes focused. She kicked the ball with precision and in that moment, the next second, everyone stopped looking at the ball landing in the net. Cheers erupted and she felt small hands wrap around her waist. She looked down to see the familiar face of the little girl who still didn't know the name. "Hey, little one." Blake said warmly, just before more children came to her, she laughed, feeling their joy radiate through her. This was a rare, precious moment and she enjoyed it to the fullest. She wanted those kids in the city to feel freedom as well, that is why her mission was so important to her, not just because of Blade, but because of the innocent children.

From a distance, Cody watched, a faint smile playing on his lips again. He didn't saw Blake as a threat, but he still had to do what Allen put him to do. But little did he knew, he wasn't the only observer. Echo stood nearby, she was sharpening her sword as she watched with softness in her eyes the moment. "She's getting along with the children. It's a good sight." Maeve said, sitting next to Echo while looking at Blake. "Yes, it's a good start. And it seems like Maisie likes her as well." Echo agreed pointing at the girl who was still holding Blake. "If Bellamy would just see her." Maeve said knowing very well that he and Maisie were like brother and sister. 

Meanwhile, back in the city, Blade was ready to talk with his mother. Agatha waited in the room for her son, having no clue why he would want to talk with her after their last interaction. "Mother?" Blade's voice broke the silence as he entered the room and sat in front of Agatha, in his white clothes. "Blade..." Agatha wanted to hold his hands but he didn't let her, now she was acting as if she cared about him when just a day ago she tortured him to death. "Why did you want to talk with me?" Agatha asked, looking in her boy's eyes.

"Do you love me?" Blade had to get under her skin first, had to make her emotional so she could answer him to the important question, not that he minded to know those things as well...

"What question is that? Of course, I do-"

"Then why are you testing me? If you loved me, like I am your son, you wouldn't treat me like that! You will stop all of this!" Blade snapped, not even letting Agatha finish her sentence. The hurt in his eyes could be seen from afar. "I just...I am doing this to find a cure, to know you are safe and also everyone else." Was it bad that Blade didn't believe any of her words?

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