Chapter : 24

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Heart silently stopped pounding in a heartbeat. All the blood turned out to be freeze in their own spot when you feel someone's warmth against your back. It felt somehow familiar. You expected it will be unbearably uncomfortable. Yet you managed to hold the knife in a protective manner.

Either you didn't speak or the person standing- more like pressing against you.  Gathering up all the courage you turned around and ready to attack whoever this stalker was. But instantly a wave off anxiety washed over you. The blue pair of eyes--- familiar stare. quite different shaped scars which always made him attractive more. Hands were in his pockets as he looked down at you with unreadable expression.

"Sweetheart , I do remember you mentioned darkness always scares you? So mind telling me why you're roaming here at this hour?" - Sanzu tilt his head and wait for you to speak.

You broke the lips apart but nothing came out. The words died inside. You were definitely confused about the whole incident. You came here and the stalker was just chasing you behind , suddenly he disappeared and you were facing sanzu. By the time your heart came to a condition where it was pounding again but loudly. Around him you felt protected but now it didn't give the vibe.

you decided to answer him but not the whole thing , "long story in short a man was lurking around  my friend's place so I just had to come down and check"

He nodded at your statement even though it didn't seem like he was very pleased to hear. "you shouldn't come out at this hour of night just to make sure a man isn't roaming around darling. What I said? You forgot? If you feel unsafe just call me right away. Didn't I?" - his eyes darkened while he lifted you chin to meet your gaze.

Slightly you nodded. It was true but that thought didn't cross your mind back then. And you didn't have any personal connection with him or rest of the men. Just met through coincidences. It would obviously feel uneasy to call them to protect you. What you were? A ordinary stranger. That was it.

"Yeah you told me. But that doesn't mean I've to call you each time to protect me even for smallest reason? Does it? You and rest of-" 

He gripped your chin tightly but not hurtful enough. "Rest of us? That's what you're trying to say darling? I didn't mention you to have connection with them. I  said to have it with only me" 

Debating with him wouldn't be helpful. He had an uneasy stare on you. Clearly pissed off by hearing you were getting close with his friends or whatsoever too. Accepting the defeat was only choice now. "surely you did and well it just nevermind I understand your point. I'm sorry if you're pissed off"

The rage seemed to not to decrease at all. But he gently patted your head. "There. You understood it so don't have to apologize to me , darling"

Why the hell he would call you darling , sweetheart or Princess . It wasn't like y'all were dating. That was your thought each time he referred you as those.


He stopped caressing and looked straight into your soul. "Hmm? Sweetheart you got anything to say?"

Obviously why you call me your sweetheart , darling , princess? I'm not your freaking girlfriend or wife. I have a damn boyfriend for your kind information.

"What you're doing here specifically at this hour?" - you asked this instead.

He let out a soft chuckle before replying you. " Curious huh? I was passing by this area when I  see you standing in middle of road. You seemed to zone out" 

You couldn't understand how deeply you zoned out that a car stopped behind you closely and you couldn't hear any sound of it. But you remembered when you first stepped outside the car was nowhere to be found.

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