Chapter : 27

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{ Warnings }

• Self harming

• Blood

• Sexual assault

• Disturbing scenes

Some people's trauma could be healed. They would love a good life after overcoming the incidents what destroyed their mental health. But yours wouldn't. It will haunt you till you take last breath. It cursed you. It pushed you into a darkness where you only hear screams and sobs.

"I did it...i did it....he touched me....i ripped my he needed to touch them? I did it..." - your eyes were lifeless. Blank. Empty.

You peeled off the last piece of wrist's skin by the knife. You stared at the blooded wrist , flesh stared back at you in a glad manner. It was happy to know you are peeling off the skin from wrist where a man touched

Your clothes were covered in fresh blood. Sweats were dripping down from hairline and face. Hands were trembling and bleeding unstopping. Mind was drowning and you? You pushed yourself against the dark place again.

After Mikey dropped you off , you stood there for awhile. He reawaken a part of you when you tried to run away from it.

You walked back to the apartment. She was desperate for answers but you avoided her. Alice was probably taking nap and you walked to kitchen , grabbing the knife and got inside bathroom before closing the door.

Miraki knew about this. She wanted to run after but she knew. It was pointless. Nobody could stop you from this until you don't peel off the skin where any man touch you inappropriate way. You never opened up to anyone about your past not even miraki so she have no idea from where this started.

It was mentally unstable step. But according to you it was a cure. No matter how much you bleed you feel like the urge to keep ripping off skin until you feel pure again. A part of you will be satisfied.

{ Y/n's pov }

I sat against the wall of bathroom and looked down at the blooded floor , clothes and my wrists. It reminded me of the each attempt i tried. Mankind will call me sick. Yes I'm sick. But what about those?

They made me ill that much I feel the urge to pull my skin from flesh because I they're hands were touching me like hungry wolves.

I wanted throw up. Why Mikey needed to hold me like them? He didn't know the damage he causing me. I looked over the skin laying down on floor.

Pain? I suffered physically and mentally enough that I don't feel pain anymore. I only feel their gaze on my body. I want to cover myself with iron. I want to dig a grave and hide there forever from those hungry monsters. I want to just

A sudden knock on door dragged me from my thoughts. I unlocked it. Miraki rushed inside and closed her eyes after seeing my wrist.

"Y/n....what have you done?! You said you won't do it again. Why you're after ruining your body?"


Miraki kneeled down beside me with those medical kits. She hissed in horror. She gently took my wrist and started to treat it like she did for various times.

I couldn't care more. Just I closed my eyes. My eyes were too tired from all the sobbing. I don't even have the option to let everything out. Just swallowing myself the trauma continuously.

𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 {𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛}Where stories live. Discover now