Dave's Fucking Party Was a MiRaClE

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I stood on Dave's front porch and waiting for the shitface to come. I leaned on the bars and heard laughter and music bumping from inside. People crowded the place inside and out. Dirk approached me and tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, (f/n). Why are you out here alone? You've been waiting out here for ten minutes now. Come inside and join the party!" He grinned and always had a puppet by his shoulder.

"It's fine, Dirk. I'm just waiting for Karkat." I sighed. "Hopefully he comes soon. Even with this Jacket, it's still cold.. " I shivered a bit and Dirk put his sweater around me. He took me by surprise because i didn't really talk to Dirk that well. He wasn't even in the Chum group chat. "Oh no, Dirk take it back! It's fine, I like the cold." I smiled nervously.

"Are you really sure, (f/n)?" His smile faded knowing that I was not okay.

I wanted Karkat here by my side making me warmed up by laughter and smiles, and heartfelt comments. "Yes. Thank you, Dirk. I appreciate it." I grinned and giggled.

"That's what friends are for (f/n). You know, you've always had those beautiful eyes." He took his jacket back and went back inside the booming party.

I really needed that comment. Dirk's such an asshole at times but he's not at times. Like he's always on his period or some shit. I laughed a bit at the thought and walked down the creaky porch stairs onto the grass. I lay down looking at the stars, waiting for that douche to come.

I started drifting to sleep to Justin Bieber and everyone's Boo's trying to make Dave change it.

Oh Dave. What in the world is fucking wrong with you...
{ Karkat's POV}
Oh shit! I was supposed to meet up with (y/n) an hour ago!

I got up and rushed out the house. Dave only lived 2 blocks away so I ran all the way over there. I felt fucking horrible and fucking stupid. She could have been waiting! But she has all the Chum's there so maybe not. I might be fucking rushing for fucking nothing.

But it doesn't matter, I set up a damn time and I'm way past it.

I panted and I felt tired although it way two blocks. I was never really the exercise in school kid because them fuckers can't tell me what to fucking do.

I finally got there and saw (f/n) on the ground lying still. I froze. Something could have happened when I was gone! She could be hurt!

I ran faster at the sight and finally got up to her.

"(F/N) !" I dove beside her and picked her head up gently. "Wake up gog dammit!" I shook her until her eyes widened.

"Mhmm... What Karkat?! What!" I quickly got up and gasped.

"Oh, I thought something happened to you!" I laughed and felt like an idiot. More of an idiot than I already fucking am.

"Wow! Well no, you took so long I managed to take a nap. I stood up late on Netflix so my body kinda needed it." I chuckled and grinned and so did she. I stared into her beautiful (e/c) eyes and snapped out of it.

I stood up and gave her my hand. "Need help?" She nodded and took my hand. She got up and fuck was she fucking pretty today. I've never hugged her before. But I've gotten so scared. I felt like it.

The only time I've hugged her is in play fights. I wanted something real.

My arms flew around her and before I knew it we were hugging. I was just.. So scared..

{ (y/n)'s POV }
he fucking hugged me!

"I'm.. Im sorry. I was worried. You had me fucking worried, (f/n), like holy fuck, I can't lose my best friend." He said as he got a tighter grip.

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