I'm not interesting

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I'm not interesting at all. I'm the little pieces of every person I meet. Their laughs, their smiles, the little expressions or words they use. Even the way they flip their hair or their accent.

I'm not natural, I only copy everyone else, because everyone else is beautiful and interesting. They have things to give to the world and I don't. I'm just another girl. I don't know what to do. Where I belong, if I belong at all really.

I just dream that one day I'll be somebody. One day I'll know what I am, and what I'm made for. But that's the future. Too scary to me.

So yes, maybe I am interesting, but that's because I'm little pieces of wonderful, intelligent and beautiful people. People who probably don't even care for me anymore, who moved on while I still think and care for them.

Next time you like something about me, thank that person who I stole from.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 24 ⏰

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