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chapter 09;
duality of man.
゚・*☆¸¸.•*¨*•*✧・゚: *✧・゚: •*¨*•.¸¸☆*・゚



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      THE HEAVY METAL DOORS OPENED WITH A PUFF OF AIR. Florissant lights bore down on the survivors, as the walkers closed in around them. Expressions ranged from gratitude to anxiety at their newfound sanctuary.

      However, The dead weren't finished yet. Drawing closer by the promise of tasty food. No matter how many people they sunk their teeth into, their unclenching hunger for human flesh proved to be the greatest obstacle for those left. No corner, not even the CDC, would protect Lucy's group from them.

     Rick was the first to move, his moment of shock rushed by his impending desire to keep his family safe. Lucy found herself being ushered inside the freezing room by her father. Who of course, was last to enter. Prioritizing the needs of the group before his own.

     Even though they all believed him to be crazy a moment prior. Lucy, much to her dislike, was very much part of the former group. Yet, clutching Carl's hand in her's she moved them forward, swallowing down her rising guilt. There will be time for an apology later.
     Andrea entered the building last. Followed by Rick who quickly made his way to the front to stand at his partner's side. The pair analyzed the building, looking for any sign of human life.

    "There's no one here," Glenn said, stating the obvious.

     Lucy looked around the building, eyes unable to focus on the dark corners of the room. "But somebody had to be here to open the doors, right?" Her gaze landed on her father. Although it was a stranger who answered.

     "I overridden the control panel to open the door that let you all in here. Nothing like this has ever been done before -- and it won't again," the man said as he emerged from the shadows voice unsure, as if it hadn't been used in a while.

      Lori grabbed Carl and Lucy, pulling them tighter towards her chest. Lucy hadn't been held by her mom like this since she was Carl's age. Though given the circumstances her mother's comfort eased her growing anxiety, and she didn't care if admitting the fact made her seem like a baby.

     With his loaded shotgun pointed directly at the group. "Is anyone infected?" He asked sharply, a question which he expected an answer to. No matter the group's comfort levels.

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