Chapter 11

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Y/N'S P.O.V.


That's all I felt.

And every time I thought I didn't feel that anger. It would hit me like an unforgiving tidal wave. I could not believe I had let myself be used just as rebound girl. A distraction from Keefe's love for my twin sister.

Ugh. Keefe. It took all my willpower to not say his name with disgust. Especially when I would see him visiting Havenfield for Sophie and completely act like I didn't exist. And each day, my anger burned hotter and hotter.
As soon as he walks in the room, the tension skyrockets, and of course, I'd have to be the one to leave the room because Keefe would have to discuss his 'lost memories' with Sophie.

So today, when Keefe did visit, I didn't leave the room. I stayed right on my bed, and continued to draw.

"Did you find anything else?" Sophie asked, immediately running up to Keefe. I suppress a scoff. She really acted like he was her boyfriend, when her real boyfriend was LED lights. I could practically hear Keefe's smirk.

"Can't I visit my favourite elf?"

Ouch. I was right here. And of course, Sophie becomes a flustered mess. But the most dreaded thing happens.

"Hang on, I'm gonna go get some mallowmelt. I'll be back," Sophie says and walks out of the room. A heavy silence falls, and the awkwardness plus the tension, is suffocating me like I was just wrapped in multiple layers of blankets. I keep my eyes trained on my paper. 

"What are you drawing?" 

When I say I wanted to scream, I really wanted to. This guy, had been straight up ignoring me for the past three days, and now, he asks what I'm drawing?!

"Nothing," I reply as quiet as possible.

"That's not true, you can't draw nothing," I felt the urge to punch something.

"Well, maybe I am Keefe, so leave me alone," I snap, finally looking at him, and oh. my. gosh. He looked-


He's an ugly, lying, conniving, cunning person who doesn't care about me.

"Oh, yeah, you're right, you can draw anything you want,"

If that sentence was supposed to make me feel better,it didn't, because I felt like snapping all my pencils in half. Why? BECAUSE HE WAS BEING SO DAMN CASUAL LIKE HE JUST DIDN'T REJECT ME AND USED ME THREE DAYS AGO!

"What do you want, Keefe?" I finally ask, and start packing my things up.

"Nothing, just thought we should talk,"

He was not making anything better.

"How about, a sorry?"

I wish I could say to him. But that would just make me seem desperate.

"Well, I don't think we should," I get up from the bed to put away my art things, also to not see his face and be reminded of my big fat crush on him. Wait. He was an empath. So that meant he could feel all my anger from a mile away. That's good.

Then I suddenly feel him nearing closer to me.

"Oh, come on, don't be like that Y/N,"

The audacity this guy had.

"I think I can be like this, Keefe. Have you forgotten what you did three days ago? Or did that simply slip from your mind the way your mom hid your memories?"

I could tell that sentence hurt him, but I didn't care. Not when he was the one to hurt me first. Keefe steps forward.

"Yeah, maybe it did," He replies bitterly. His narrowed, ice blue eyes bore into mine, but I couldn't care less. I let out a scoff.

"I can't believe you,"

"Why? I am the son of an evil psychopath, I think you should,"

My eye twitches. Of course he would play the, 'I'm a troubled kid,' card.

"Don't say that. This isn't about your mom," I say, stepping back. I would maintain my distance.

"Listen, I just to talk," He says, stepping forward, once again.

"I don't want to hear it Keefe. I don't want to talk about it,"

"Oh come on, Y/N, the tension is suffocating. Can't we just be friends,"

Was this guys seriously, friend zoning me, after he freaking used me, and kissed me?!

"Are you kidding me right now? You're the one who said we should stay away from each other, but here you are, waltzing in, and acting like everything is fine, when it's not!" 

I step back again, but the most cliche thing in every book or novel happens. My back hits the wall. Sophie, my dear twin sister, I love you,  please hurry up. 

My imparter rings, it was Sophie. I fumble for it and pick it up and her voice echoes through the tiny square.

"Hey guys, I'm going out for a quick Blackswan meeting with Mr. Forkle. You and Keefe have fun, 'kay?" The screen goes black and I feel like ripping my hair out. Wait, not my hair, I can't lose my precious hair.

Oh yeah, and I didn't tell Sophie about what happened, so she thinks everything between Keefe and I is breezy. IT'S NOT! Keefe steps closer. 

"Now that she's not here, we really need to talk. I'm sorry... for doing that to you. But these three days, I sorted my emotions out, and.....I like you, Y/N. I realized I can't hold on to my love forever, if Sophie's already taken,"

This guy, literally said all of those things to me, SO HE COULD FREAKING SORT HIS EMOTIONS OUT?!

"Are you seriously kidding me?! How can you ev-"

"I know! Ok, I know! That was the most crappiest way to tell you I was sorting my emotions out. But I'm sure of them now,"

"Then why'd u call Sophie your favourite elf,"

"Oh- that's just a habit, since I've um....flirted with her a lot before. But I promise, I won't do it anymore!" He steps closer, almost invading my personal space, and I can't move back.

"Just, give me another chance, Y/N," he nears even closer, and it take my willpower to not push him away. 

I take a second to look into his eyes. They seemed genuine, he was telling the truth. But what if Sophie broke up with Fitz and Keefe got back to loving Sophie? What if he was just trying to use me the whole time? I see his lips curl into a smirk.

"Y/N, your emotions tell me exactly what you're thinking, and I promise, that I'm not using you. I genuinely like you,"

I stay silent for a moment, but then whisper,

"Are you sure?" He nods and steps even closer.

"I promise, I won't ever do it again,"

I take a deep breath...

Also, i love writing angst, so these next few chapters, r gonna be full of angst. hehe. 


remember to be strong, be different and be YOU!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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