Key (j.g)

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I tossed and turned in my bed, the sheets rustling. My pillow felt deflated, even with countless amounts of fluffing.

I groaned, throwing my blanket over my head so I was fully submerged in the drape. As the sheets slowly floated down to my body, I hummed, trying to find comfort.

But the problem was, comfort never came. I kicked off my blanket, sitting up and opening my eyes.

"Fuck!" I said, exhausted and ticked off at the same time.

I sat there for a little bit, sighing. My body was covered in a baggy Mötley Crüe shirt and sweat pants, making me at least unsusceptible to the winter temperature.

I slid off my bed, my feet hitting the cold floor.

𝐌𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥..

I rubbed my eyes, walking across the ground to my bedroom door. I turned the doorknob, opening the hunk of wood and feeling the blast of colder air.

I began to travel to my kitchen, walking through my living room until I reached the area. I didn't bother turning on the bulb, the moonlight was enough.

I made my way to the cabinet, opening it and pulling out a glass. I shut the cabinet, moving to the sink and turning the cold water knob.

I watched it fill up, shutting it off as the water levels rose to the top. I brought the glass to my lips, moistening the dryness of my throat.

I took a small sip, parting the glass from my lips before having another one.


I took the cup away from my mouth, quickly turning away from my cabinet and to the living room. I started breathing shakily, scared of what I might've heard.

I clenched my glass in my hand, looking around the dark house. I heard small footsteps coming my way, making my body tense up.

I squeezed my eyes shut for a few seconds, until opening them up again.


I dropped my glass on the floor, shards of glass and water covering the wood. A figure stood in my living room, standing up straight.

I couldn't see their features due to the darkness, but that only made it scarier. My breathing got even worse, getting heavier and faster.

They just stood there, staring at me. I stared back, still as a pin.

That was until the stranger broke the silence, suddenly speaking.

"Uh.. you gonna move?" A masculine voice asked, one that I recognized immediately.

My body relaxed, me sighing and rubbing my eyes.

"What the fuck! You scared the shit out of me Johnnie!" I yelled, annoyed and still shaken up.

Johnnie walked to the light switch, turning on the kitchen light. He laughed a little bit, me seeing his messy hair and pale figure.

His eyeshadow was still on, faint blonde stubble on his beard area. He wore his usual red shirt, half buttoned with black jeans.

He looked at the ground, right where I dropped my glass.

"Shit.. I'm sorry about that. If you want I can pick you up a new one?" He offered kindly as he stepped closer, looking at the floor.

"Uhm.. no Johnnie it's fine, I have plenty more." I mumbled to him.

He nodded, bending down to pick up some shards.

-EVERYTHING- J.G. + J.W x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now