Chapter 15: Deflower my Daughter

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All I was seeing was red my gun pressed on the bottom of Christopher Chahn Bahng chin what the hell is he doing here I was ready to blow his head off

"Tzuyu stop what are you doing to my brother and why do you have a gun your scaring me" I look over at Sana what is she talking about

"He's your brother"


I look at Sana closer then to Christopher now that I look at both of them they both have the same hazel eyes and light brown hair

I look at Christopher he has a smirk on his face "hello sister how are you" what the hell is going on Sana look at me then Christopher with a confused look

"Chae hold him I don't have time for this" I put my gun away and one of my men grabs Christopher I let go trying to get every thing thats going on straght in my mind

I can't have Sana be taken from me I made her a promise and I will keep it "who are you Tzuyu" I don't look at her

I look at the man I always hated for what he try to do to our family he was the reason I left Sana for months

Wait was she a distraction was she in it with them no she can't be she doesn't know anything she's to good to be in their family I would have known I pretty much had her followed the only family I found was her mom Miyuki Minatosaki and her cousin Tristan Chahn Bahng oh right I didn't look into it much the older man Vince Chahn Bahng look at me with death in his eyes

"How dare you deflower my daughter the last stupid boy that tried was later regretting it are you getting back at me for what happend" I didn't say anything because at that moment this man just showed me that Sana was everything to him

"Dad I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was scared of how you would act you never let me do anything you kept me away from the world"

Sana walked up next to me she shouldn't be standing she just woke up I picked her up and sat her down "sit down Sana your going to hurt yourself "

She looked at me but didn't say anything she looked back at her dad well I sat next to her wrapping my arm around her laying my hand on her belly

"And this is why I didn't let you out because this happens" he walked up to me but was stopped mid step "you will pay for what you did to my daughter Chou Tzuyu"

At that moment I get up picked up Sana and walked away with Vince Chahn Bahng yelling at me to stop Sana looks at me but doesn't say anything the doctor stops us

"Uh sir you can't take her out you have to take her back..." she didn't finish because I was already turning to the other hall

"Tzuyu where are you taking me" I look in to her eyes and then I kiss her forehead "I'm sorry for everything can you forgive me"

She doesn't say anything for a while I press the button to the elevator and go in the door closes

And out of no where her lips are on mine kissing me she wraps her hands around my neck she moves her head away I catch my breath missing the warmth of her lips

"I forgive you thank you for take me away from my dad I don't want him taking me away again my mom and I barely got away the first time"

That got my attention "what do you mean what didn he do to you" she didn't say anything she just layed her head on my shoulder sighing holding me tighter like I would disappear if she didn't hold me tight

"I'll tell you when we get home"

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