Sparkle off baby girl, its thusday, forget who you are.

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Uhh... my drawing labtop flopped and i had 2 reset it, the old art program i used 2 use 4 drawing now costs 25$ so... i asked one of my besties for a new 100% free art program, and he gave me Fire alpaca. So yeah, i recomend it. Now i will be able to go back to dijital art! 

This is the first drawing i made in fire alpaca, i just finished it laik, some minutes ago

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

This is the first drawing i made in fire alpaca, i just finished it laik, some minutes ago.

You can name her watever yo want.

By the way, the card you shaw at the top of laik, all this text or paje or wtv is for the card collab that just ended today.

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