Clue 1: Mysterious Challenge

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Huh? Where am I? What is this place?
I sit up and am immediately greeted by my three friends: Asuna, Alice, and Eugeo. Damn... they're out cold. What am I going to do about this? I look around. All the walls are white, definitely not suspicious at all. Why the hell is everything white in here? Hmm... I look over at a conspicuous red button, it's very out of place, but it would be anywhere. Well, that's conspicuous, should I push the button...? I leer over the button with the urge to ounce on it, anything that doesn't want you to press it gives more of an urge to press it. Kirito, Kirito, Kirito, think this through! You can't just press the damn button all willy nilly! But it looks very pressable... no, no! You can't just let yourself touch a conspicuous red button! Gulp press the button~ go on~ I'm about to press the button no, you can't press the button until everyone wakes up at least.


"Hey, is everyone awake now?" I lean over them.

Alice is the first to wake up, she slowly blinks awake and takes a moment to get herself aware of her surroundings, "where are we, Kirito?"

I laugh, but not in an amused way, "not a damn clue."

"That is not reassuring" she sighs, "can you at least explain how we got here?"

I cross my arms and my eye twitches slightly, "let's face it, we're fresh out of ideas and clues to get out of this place... our only lead is that very conspicuous button."

"Conspicuous button?" Alice seems confused by my words.

"Uh... you forgot about us." Eugeo stares at me and Alice.

Asuna sighs, "I honestly think you took us here, Kirito..."

"Don't throw that bone to me!" I lean forward.

"I heard something about a button..." Eugeo looks at the button, "maybe we should vote on whether or not to push it...?"


Eugeo shrinks into the corner.

"Jeez, Kirito, look what you did! It's not democracy, it's common sense." Asuna crosses her arms.

"W- well..." I can't really argue with that.

"We should take the idea." Alice says, looking from me to Asuna to Eugeo.

"Raise your hand if you want to push the button" Eugeo claps his hands before putting them down.

I raise my hand, but nobody else does.

"Oh come on! It's too irresistible!" I yell, trying to argue my obviously bad point.

They all look at me and say in unison, "it's a trap."

"It can't be a trap if we're already trapped!" I continue argue my point.

"Well... maybe we can press the button?" Eugeo peaks out of the corner.

"FINALLY, someone understands!" I yell out of relief, clearly I'm smarter than Alice and Asuna!
Wait... am I the idiot here? No, no, no, no I can't be the idiot here. I'm not a numbskull! I'm not the idiot!

We all look at each other for a moment, as if scaling each other up. In unison, we all gulp and look at the button.

"So... should we press the button now?" I ask, my tone almost weak.

"It's the only lead we have, so I guess we should." Asuna shrugs.

"I second that." Alice mutters, leaning over the white table where the button is.

We all look at each other and press the button...

To be continued

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