On The Road

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Bree and Reese meet up at Reeses house to drive to NYC for their vacation. They exchange hellos and get on the road. Bree says, "I already booked us a wonderful hotel and have some amazing activities planned!" Reese grins in excitement for their vacation away from everything else.

Long hours of driving, talking, and listening to music only seem like minutes for the couple- for the friends. Little did Reese know, Bree was hiding a secret. Bree felt guilty and knew it was wrong, but she couldn't tell Reese.

They finally arrive at their hotel. They walk in together to check in. Reese checks in with her last name. Bree stares off into the distance, wondering if what she's done is moral or not. "Bree! Let's go get our things!" Reese exclaims.

The walk back to the car was silent. You could tell Reese was full of joy, while Bree tried to plaster a fake smile on, trying to hide her worry. They help each other carry their bags up to their room, which just so happens to be the top floor.

When they get up there. Reese opens the door to see that their room not only has one bed, but its the honeymoon suite! They both looked pondered and confused. Reese speaks up, "Umm...what is this about? Did you book the wrong room?" Reese deep downs hopes that this wasn't a mistake and Bree felt the same way for her. "I swear I thought I booked just a normal two bedroom hotel!" Bree lies. Reese looks puzzled but walks in anyway, accepting "fate."

"Well, I guess this'll make due." Reese says as she lays on the bed. "Are you sure? I could always ask to switch rooms." Bree explains. "NO!" Reese says too quickly. "It's fine, we should just use what we got since you probably spent more on this." Reese fake laughs.

"Oh my gosh, the shower is in the middle of the room, and it's clear glass." Bree says, knowing damn well she booked this room on purpose. Reese laughs it off and goes on her phone.

Breese (Bree and Reese)Where stories live. Discover now