IV, Dream Or Vision

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"A part of me wishes I could take back hearing those words come from your mouth. But deep down I know they were exactly what I needed to hear to realize how wrong I was about you."

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I don't know how I got here. All I remember is one second I was tucked into my own bed while Pansy snored loudly from her own and the next second, almost in a blink of an eye, I was in the Malfoy manor standing in one of their many hallways.

Something about this entire situation was just off and gave me the chills. Nothing about this sat well with me at all. I had basically grown up in this house yet I swear it has never before been this dark. The lights that decorated the wall and ceilings were all on yet it was almost as if no light illuminated from them at all. Like everything had been basked in a green yet almost black tinted filter.

Whispers from the other room sent a chill directly up my spine. Then the whispers turned into normal talking. They continued to get louder and louder, and it wasn't until the walls changed that I realized I was walking towards the voices like my legs had a mind completely of their own. Or maybe I was under a spell and that's what this was, I mean I've heard stories growing up of spells that do crazy things you could never even dream of, so maybe one had been cast on me?

My gaze snapped up, my eyes now having a mind of their own as well. Before me was a room I had never quite seen in the Malfoy manor. It looked like a dining room due to the massive table in the middle of it, yet I knew from experience that this was nowhere near where the Malfoys dined for meals. My second guess was that this was an office of some sort but that also didn't feel right because I'd been in Lucius's office before and it looked absolutely nothing like this and Cissy doesn't have an office, at least I don't think she does. No, it's impossible because she would never hide anything like that from me, Cissy loves me and respects me so there's no way in hell that this was her office.

"I'm telling you all this is not going to work! That boy has lived for how long exactly?" A female voice yelled from in front of me and it was at that moment that I realized there were people in the room. How had I not noticed any of them before? Around the table sat almost thirty chairs, most of which sat on the sides of the table but there was one that sat at the very head. Who are these people?

My legs yearned to move closer and investigate more but the second I took a step I ran smack dab into someone's back yet somehow, almost like I wasn't even there, the person didn't move an inch. Speaking of which, how has nobody noticed I'm here yet?

As I take a step back from the person's back I realize that I seemed to have missed another key detail, not only were there people sitting at the table, but there were also a shit ton of people standing around the table, most of which wore masks and the rest.... What in the bloody hell?

A wave of pure and unrelenting terror crashed over my body like a beach wave. Everyone else's faces.... they weren't there. It was almost as if someone took an eraser and just brushed its tip over their facial features.

It was after that realization that my eyes flew back to the people sitting at the table only to realize that their faces were gone as well. At least they were for the most part. Each person's face was erased enough to be unrecognizable yet just like you had erased a drawing off a piece of paper you could still see the faint outline of everything.

"The boy has lived for thirteen years! Thirteen and we still have not been able to kill him so please someone explain to me how exactly we are going to be able to kill this bloody boy!" The same female voice spoke and this time it was recognizable. The voice was so familiar yet for some reason I couldn't place who it belonged to. Come to think of it, I don't know much of anything. I don't know how in the bloody hell I got here. I don't know whats going on or who these people are. For the most part, I'm unaware of where I even am. And what in the blood hell are these people even talking about?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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