5. Minor Troubles

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"Man, I sure worked up an appetite," Cosette said.

"You messed up my hair!" Jin-Sung complained as he tried to restyle the messed hair.

Cosette shrugged her shoulders letting out a nonchalant "Meh". Ignoring the glare of Jin-Sung, Cosette grabbed the menu examining the selections offered. She might order something extra to bring home to her uncle. The copious amounts of alcohol on the table wasn't lost to her, she simply chose to ignore it. Hyung-Seok was having a much harder time ignoring the bottles, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights.

Ha-Neul presented a cup with a smile that was worthy of first place in a beauty pageant. "Here, Hyung-Seok. We've been waiting for you so we could drink together. Here's one for you too Cosette."

Cosette took a peek over her menu looking at the cup that was presented to her. "Nope."

"Drink it! Drink it!" The others chanted.

"N-No I can't drink." Hyung-Seok stuttered

"Haha! Bullshit!"

"You're really not going to take it?"

"Y-Yeah," Hyung-Seok said

Ha-Neul giggled. "You must be weak with alcohol. What about you Cosette?"

"I don't drink."

"You're so small Cosette, I bet you get drunk pretty quickly!" Ha-Neul chuckled

Cosette just rolled her eyes ducking back behind her menu. She wouldn't know what her tolerance for alcohol was because she never drank it before. Well, that's not true. When she would visit her grandparents–on her mother's side–she would often be offered a glass of wine or beer. The drinking age in France is eighteen but sixteen-year-olds are allowed to drink with parental permission. Her grandmother co-owned a small vineyard and would come home with bottles of their latest products. Her grandfather had a hobby of brewing his own beer, always sporting a new brew whenever they visited. Cosette actually enjoyed wine, she didn't have much of a sweet tooth preferring a bitter tang to most of her dishes.

Cosette wondered how they were able to get alcohol in the first place. The drinking age in South Korea is nineteen. With them all being first years and to the best of Cosette's knowledge none of them had been held back, meaning they were all below the age of nineteen. Pushing that to the back of her mind Cosette perused the menu once more, bouncing between the dumplings or seafood pizza. The pizza would leave her with enough leftovers to bring home.

Her deliberations over which food to choose were interrupted by Jin-Sung shouting. He yelled as he threw back several shots.

"Well someone's gonna be sick in the morning," Cosette thought.

"By the way Hyung-Seok. Where do you live?"

"H-Huh? I live alone." Hyung-Seok answered

"You live alone?"


Hyung-Seok's answer seemed to spur something in Jin-Sung as he tipped back a few more shots. The alcohol was starting to hit as his face started to take a red tint. In his drinking fervor, he didn't notice Cosette sliding over a cup of water. He got in two chugs before spitting out the water.

"Water is for the weak!" Jin-Sung shouted, tossing the glass away.

"Fine, but don't go crying in the morning when you feel like shit!" Cosette snapped.

The three stooges were schmoozing it up with Hyung-Seok, begging to come over to his house. Most likely thinking that Hyung-Seok's home would be the perfect spot for them to hang out at.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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