Chapter 2

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'That was fun! I wish we could hang out like that again!' You thought looking at your pictures with the boys. One picture is when Kurapika got whipped cream on his nose. You thought he was cute when he did had icing on his nose. Then one picture Killua had carried Gon because of fangirls. And Leorio was... Well..... Reading a pervy magazine. You thought he was pervy but... You realized he was a Brother-like figure.

"Y/N, you can sleep on the bed. I'll sleep on the Couch." Said Kurapika.

"Hey Kurapika... I'll sleep on the Couch. It's okay really...." You said

"I can't allow a girl to sleep on the couch. It's better if i sleep there." Kurapika said pointing to the couch. You guys were arguing about who is going to sleep in what.

"What about we sleep together in the bed?" You being innocent like Gon said that. But you were much more Mature than Gon. Kurapika blushed and looked at you awestruck and tinted with pink.

"Do you even know what your saying?" He asked hoping for a Mature answer.

"Yup! I'm saying we could sleep together on the bed!" You said happily. Kurapika was lost in words. He didn't expect you to be so Innocent.

"O-Okay... If you say so...." Kurapika said as he sighed in defeat.

"Yay!" You said as you hopped on bed.

'Seriously... She is that innocent.... She's so Kawaii....' Kurapika thought. He got in bed a bit far from Y/N. He looked at Y/n once more before going to sleep.

After some hours past. Kurapika noticed Y/n muttering some words. She was having a nightmare.

"Mm... No... No... GET AWAY!" Y/n said still asleep. Kurapika got to her side and cuddled here a little bit. Holding her to his chest. He was unhappy that she was having a nightmare 'What will i do next?' He thought.
"Shhh... It's going to be okay.... I'm here... I'll protect you..." Kurapika said. He realized what he said and blushed. 'Wow... i'm turning motherly...' Kurapika thought as he continued to comfort her. She shook awake and looked at Kurapika sleepily.

"Arigato Pika-kun..." Y/n said and smiled warmly at Kurapika.

"N-No problem Y/n..." Kurapika said blushing from your cuteness. Although, you didn't notice. Kurapika looked at the clock and it was only 1:00 am.

"We should go back to sleep Pika-kun...." Y/n said.

"Yeah okay." Kurapika said and after awhile you didn't get any bad dreams anymore while Kurapika dreamt of you. And by dream i mean... It was close to reality. He was sleep walking (XD) he rarely sleep walked. He only sleep walked because he was hyper from all the cakes and ice creams he ate. And that makes him sleep walk... It's weird i know.

-Next day. School time-

Reader's Pov

I am so excited! I'm going to school today and meet new friends! OMG i'm over reacting... Calm down....
Usually i am not excited about those things... But who cares? I wanna meet new people. I wanna meet new people because of.... Well... I'm not the student who has to many friends. In fact... The only friends i made is with Kurapika, Killua, Gon and Leorio. But i had a Friend at my past school. Her name was Hana (ME xD). She was a lively friend... She wanted me to be happy and invited me to different types of parties. But often she would refuse people in the age of 20+ to parties.... I didn't know why... She always says i'm Innocent... I'M NOT THAT INNOCENT!.

"Oi Y/n come on. We're gonna be late-" Killua said and got cut off when he was inside the room. I was in my long sleeved blouse. But i was only in my shorts. "Oh alright i'll hurry up then!" I said. Killua blushed and slammed the door closed. 'What's with Killua? Is he sick or something?' I asked my self as i put my skirt on.

When i went out me and Kurapika's room i looked at Killua. He was still flushing red.

"Killua are you sick? Your so Red!" Gon asked as he poked Killua's cheeks. I approached them and asked the same thing.

"I'm fine. Really i am... So... STOP POKING ME GON!!" Killua yelled as he slapped Gon's hand away.

"Well guys lets go" said Leorio as he began to walk out of the building.

-At school-

As i was walking around i saw someone familiar. It was Hana.

"Heyyyy~ Y/n how was your summer??" She asked happily. I was smiling ear to ear when she said that though my smile turned into a Frown.

"Well... It was full of paperwork...." I answered having emo lines on my head.

"Oh! Me too! I am a In training Bodyguard after all....." She said. She is a Bodyguard at the Nostrade family with Neon as her friend and client.

"I totally forgot about that..." I said Sweatdropping. Then she saw the boys at my back.

"Wait a minute... aren't you Kurapika from the student Council?" She asked.

"Yeah. And... Aren't you Hana from the Student Council too?" Kurapika asked.

"Y-Yeah... I am.. your the President though..." Hana said. I looked at them wide eyed. This is not like The HANA I know!

"And your the Secretary. We should discuss more often." Kurapika said. Hana replied with a Simple yet Nervous like sure.

-At Class-

Nobody's Pov

Y/n was introduced to the her classmates. She made a few friends like Neon. Neon was a hyper active person. Although they didn't sit together because of her fanboys. Then the whole Student council came in the Classroom.

"Settle down." Said Kurapika. He then noticed you and smiled. It was a heart warming smile.

"Alright. We are here to get the Nominations for Vice President. The previous Vice President quit and got detention. And that Vice President is Chrollo Lucifer. We need someone who can handle this job like it's the only thing they have. We need leadership. So now. May i take your Nominations?" Kurapika announced greatly. He was elegant. 'No wonder he got elected...' you thought as a Student stood up.

"I nominate Neon as Vice Pres." One boy said.

"I nominate myself" said a girl sassying her fingers around. But then... Gon stood up and said something that gave you a heart attack.

"I Nominate Y/n as Vice President" Gon said.

"Now for the Votes. Who is in Favor of Neon. Please stand up." Kurapika announced. Only 10 boys stood up. Which is half of the Boys. Not including Gon and Killua.

"Now... in favor of Diana?" She's the only one who stood for herself. "What are you guys doing?! You should vote Me!" Diana shouted. They ignored her and continued.

"In Favor of Y/n" Kurapika said his voice changing. All girls and Half of the boys stood up. Including Gon and Killua. Also Neon.

"Majority wins. Y/n. Please proceed with us. But first... Why did you vote for her?" Kurapika asked the boys death glaring the ones with a perverted smile on they're face. They stooped and said "because she's cute." Killua death glared that guy while gon agreed with him.

'Oh my.... This is going to be so hard... Thank you so much gon' you thought sarcastically while looking down at your desk.

-After 1st period recess-

"So Y/n are you okay being elected as Vice Pres?" Killua asked wondering. You thought about it and your expression changed from happy to emo. You were not liking the idea of you being the Vice Pres.

"No... Not really..." You said. Then Killua patted your back.

"You can do it" Killua said smiling a little bit and approached the table consisting of all the friends she made. Killua seemed weird that time. He never smile like that at her. It's the first time for her. Y/n heart beated fast. This was the feeling she got from Kurapika and Gon. It was a weird feeling. It was like... You were flying. 'This is so weird...' You thought. Then you just continued your day like it was a normal day.

So... This is for the Kurapika fans... And a little bit of Killua..... So sorry Gon Fans... You'll get your Fluffy moment just like what i did with Kurapika . hope you like this chapter =D

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