Chapter 4

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I'm so sorry i couldn't update fast :'( I'M SO SORRY. Anyway. I just watched Noragami with xxShina-chanxx  her crush is actually Yukine while i was crushing on Yato. Hehehe i love him but his with Hiyori :'( i can feel it -_-
I'm also sick. So gomen ne... And also... Exams came up to early...

You and Killua were Chosen to do a Science project together. Since he was a in your class and he was your age. Which was 14. Kurapika on the other hand was 16. Hana was your age. Also Neon. So you guys decided to do a project on Germs. You guys examined your project for a while then agreed.

"Oh my gosh.... I will never drink fountain water again....." You said. You just figured out that the germs came from the fountain waters. Or fountain drinks.

"I will never drink those again....." Killua said unhappy. You just realized he was holding Fountain Water. So you slapped it out of his hands.
"T-Thanks Y/n...." He said still staring at the fountain water. And then Kurapika approached you two.

"Hey Y/n, Killua. What Project are you guys on?" Kurapika asked. But then he grabbed a cup, scooped the fountain water and was about to drink it. But you and Killua slapped his hand that was holding the water. It got thrown to the side. Kurapika was eyeing you two suspiciously.

"K-Kurapika.... Our project is... Where germs comes the most and.... We figured out that it came from the Fountain drinks" You explained. His eyes widened.

"Thanks for doing that.... I could've drank it without hesitation..." Kurapika said. He was disgusted.

"No prob. Well... We gotta go now. Our project isn't done yet" Killua said.

"Well yeah. See you later Y/n. And you too Killua" Kurapika said walking away looking at other projects. 'Where is that thing? I just saw it a moment earlier...' Kurapika thought.

"Oh there it is!" He said as he found what he was looking for. He was looking for your Present from him.

"Well... All i need to do now is wrap it." He said to no one in particular.

-Time Skip. Student Council time-

"We need paper though.... We need lots of it." You and Hana were the youngest of the Student Council. You two were totally confused to what you guys were supposed to do. Kurapika and Auditor were discussing some things. They were planning some kind of event.

"What are you guys talking about?" You asked with Hana nodding. Kurapika couldn't resist you and answered.

"We were planning to have a Contest. Like a Dancing and Singing Contest. And then after that event is the Festival. It's more like a opening event for the Festival." Kurapika answered.

You liked this idea.

"But. We need someone from the Student Council to Compete." Then your happiness was turned into nervousness.

"So... How many Competitors?" You asked.

"Ummm... We were thinking of signing you and Hana into it....." Kurapika said. You were beyond terrified.

"WHAT?!?" Said Hana dropping the Folders to the Ground. You helped her pick the things up.

"Hope you two don't mind" said Kurapika.

"How can we not mind?!" You and Hana said in unison.

"Gomen..." Kurapika apologized as he sweatdropped.

-Time skip-

You were going to practice singing with Hana. Of course, you needed to. Hana was going to go get food and drinks(water). You guys just needed to eat before you practiced.

"So, what song are we gonna sing?" Hana asked.

"What about we do a Vocaloid song?" You suggested.

"Yeah! Sounds great! So... Which song of Vocaloid?" Hana asked again.

"Umm... Flame Heart?" You asked.

"Isn't it a solo competition?"

"Then... How about Cantarella?" Hana asked

"Electric angel would be good... But... Len is a boy...."

"Hahahaha yeah"

"Then Flame Heart it is." You said.

-Time Skip Practicing-

You and Hana were really tired. So you two decided to eat before continuing on. As You got a drink from your Backpack, Kurapika suddenly came into the room.

"Hello ladies, you two are done?" Kurapika asked as he stared at what you were drinking. It was Y/FD(Favorite drink).

"We're almost done." Hana said drinking water. And then Kurapika approached you.

"Does your throat hurt?" Kurapika asked.

"No. Why?" You replied.

"Then... You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah" i said again.

"Well... Okay then. You guys... Goodluck." Kurapika said as he went to the meeting.

"Well... We can just go home now. I'm kinda tired." Hana said taking her backpack.

"Well.. Okay see ya." You said and grabbed you Backpack too.

As you got out of the room you were practicing in, You noticed Gon walking in the halls. He looked sad.

"Umm... Gon?" You said you trying to gain his attention.

"Oh. Hey Y/n! How practice going?" Gon asked his face changing from sad to happy.

"Me and Hana just finished practicing." You said as Gon smiled.

And then... Something wierd happend... He got pushed onto you making him kiss you on the cheek and you guys falling over....

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