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On most days when evening inspection rolled in, Levi found himself drained from the barrage of probation officers and morning and afternoon inspections he had to endure. However, upon opening his front door at dusk to find an excited Hanji standing outside, Levi feels a burst of reciprocal energy surge within him.

Of course, he doesn't show it.

"Were you taking a long crap or something?" Levi looks her up and down, unimpressed at the mud and dust caked on her dress pants and boots.

"Who, me? This was just from a quick forage," she jests, taking off her fedora to pull out a twig stuck in her dishevelled hair. Leaves fall out of the hat and flutter to the ground.

"Filthy as ever, I see. Now I have to sweep the front porch again."

"Aww, Levi! That's not how you greet your dearly beloved long-lost friend now, is it?"

"You can cross out that 'dearly beloved,' Four Eyes."

"Oh, you heartbreaker! I traveled all this way to see you," a cheeky smile toys on Hanji's lips, "but I'll have you know I found amazing specimens in the wetlands around the Titan Forest on my way here and just had to collect some for further research. You won't believe the genotypes of algae and kelp—"

"Shut up; tell me once we're inside," Levi grumbles with fond exasperation, turning to grab the broom leaning against the corner of the room inside the cabin.

"Mind if I join? Just to make sure there's no funny business," a familiar voice cuts in, grating on Levi's nerves. Emmanuel steps forward and stands next to Hanji, arms crossed.

"Oh yeah! I was just about to mention, Emmanuel decided to tag along... if you don't mind, that is," says Hanji almost skittishly. She loops an arm around her companion's.

Of course Levi minds. The main reason why he was looking forward to this meeting with Hanji was to be with her, alone and away from Emmanuel—who stares back at Levi with an aggravatingly neutral smile. However, seeing Hanji's imploring eyes gazing into him, Levi feels his resolve slowly weakening.

He clears his throat and looks away. "Tch, well he's already here—"


Hanji wipes her shoes on the mat outside before stepping briskly into the cabin, beginning to ramble about plans for experimentation on her new samples to test the alleged accelerated growth properties of soil collected from the Titan Forest. Levi gives the front porch a few quick sweeps before following suit.

The Marleyan enters last, pausing by the threshold to look down his nose at Levi with distain. "Eldian."

"String Bean."

Emmanuel slams the front door shut.

"You sure do keep this place clean," Hanji remarks breezily, quelling the rising tension in the room. She flits around in an almost fairy-like manner, pausing to examine every piece of furniture and vintage artefact until she stops in front of the closet, its mahogany door barred with a huge iron bolt. "Hmm, what's in here—"

"Don't open that door," warns Levi.

"Huh, why?"

As if on cue, something smashes into the door from inside the closet with a growl, causing it to groan on its rusty hinges. Hanji yelps and leaps back.

"What the hell is that?!" Exclaims Emmanuel.

"My detection dog," mumbles Levi. "Don't worry; it's harmless in there."

The dog lets out a slew of ferocious barks, claws scrabbling against the closet door like nails on a chalkboard.

"Oi! Shut up, you mangy mutt!" Snarls Levi. He kicks the door, threatening to splinter the polished wood, and the watchdog lets out a startled whimper. He tosses his broom carelessly into the corner of the wall and shuffles towards the dining room, muttering to himself. His bewildered guests gape after him as the dog resumes its yapping.

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