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It was a Friday night, 9pm, and Taylor was out with her friends at a bar. One of them had just turned 22, so they were all celebrating- a 'gals' night you could say. However, Taylor had started to feel unwell, and after alerting her friends she headed out. That's how she found herself at the wrong place, the wrong time- 9pm on a Friday night, waiting on the side of the road for her driver.

Carrie was an actress, a very famous one, but she had gotten tired of having her security around her all the time. The 27 year old had ditched them, sneaking out of the house to go on a walk at 9pm on a random Friday night.

She was wondering down one of the many dark streets of the city, enjoying the stillness of the night. She was all alone, other than a young blonde who looked to be in her early twenties, who was leaning against a wall a bit ahead of her. She looked so peaceful, typing something out on her phone, her lips stretched into a soft smile. Maybe it's because she looked so peaceful that Carrie knew something has was going to happen. Or maybe it was the white van that was slowly cruising along the road.

Carrie stopped in her tracks as the horrific scene played out in front of her. Two men in black leapt out the back of the van, one holding a cricket bat, the other a bag. The young blonde, looked up just in time to see the bat swinging her way, until she fell into one of the men's arms, unconscious. The other man quickly hooked the bag over her head, carrying the limp body into the van. Carrie looked on, her mouth agape. She knew she had to get help somehow- she had just watched a girl be abducted for christs sake- but her legs wouldn't move.

Thats when one of the men noticed her. He gestured towards her, mumbling something to his partner. Carrie turned and ran. But her legs weren't fast enough, and the men soon caught up to her. One grabbed her by the waist, pinning her arms to her sides as the other stuck a piece of cloth into her mouth. She tried to scream but failed, the cloth muffling it. They dragged her flailing body to the van and chucked her in the back, locking the doors.

Carrie squinted, trying to make our something, anything, in the pitch black darkness of the vehicle, but she failed. The van lurched foward, sending Carrie falling back. A small lightbulb clicked on as the vehicle started moving, giving the area a little bit of light.

The back of the van was bare. It was wood paneled, the little bulb hanging from the ceiling and some black bags in a pile at one corner. She was facing a wooden board, presumably what was separating her from the criminals up front, and behind her were the van doors. Next to her lay the blonde she had seen outside the bar, one of the black bags over her head.

She was her first focus, so, after attempting to pull of her mouth gag (and failing), she crawled over to the girl. She pulled the black bag off her head and discarded it to the side, returning her focus back to the girl. She was still unconscious, her eyes shut and her mouth slightly open. She had a nasty cut across her forehead which was bleeding- presumably from where she was hit with the cricket bat. Carrie grabbed the bag that she had discarded and used it to gently wipe away some of the blood that was trickling down the girls face. She held it against the wound until it had stopped bleeding, then chucked it aside once again.

She shook her lightly by the shoulders, tapping her cheek. She tried to talk but realised she couldn't, and instead shook the girl again. Eventually the blonde shifted a little, her eyes squinting open. She quickly sat up, scurrying away from Carrie and backing into a corner of the van, her blue eyes wide. She looked terrified.

Taylor lifted a shaking hand to her head, wincing as her fingers touched the wound. Where was she? She looked around the van as the memories all came flooding back. She scrambled across the van floor to the doors, pushing with all her might. But they wouldn't budge. She didn't want this, she didn't want to be here. She was meant to be at home, resting. Not in a strange van.

She shuffled back to the corner, resting her back against the wood and placing her head in her hands. And she just let herself cry.

Carrie watched as the girl panicked, trying to open the van doors. She looked petrified, her whole body shaking as she tried to push against the doors. Carrie tugged at the cloth tied around her head. She needed this off, she needed to reassure the girl that they would find a way out. Eventually she managed to rip it in half, and she chucked it across the wooden floor, opening and closing her jaw to try and remove some of the tension. She looked back at the girl, about to say something when she realised she was crying. Curled in a ball in the corner of the van, her head in her hands, sobbing. Her shoulders were shaking as her cries echoed off the wooden planks, broken, terrified.

Slowly, Carrie made her way over to the girl, sitting down next to her.
"Hey" she whispered, touching her shoulder. The girl looked up at her, her cheeks damp and her bright blue eyes red-rimmed.
"I'm Carrie, what's your name?" She asked her in a soft voice, as the blonde wiped her cheek with her sleeve.
"Taylor" Taylor mumbled. Carrie opened her arms, welcoming Taylor. Taylor leaned in as Carries arms closed around her, rubbing her back comfortingly.
"Its gonna be okay" Carrie whispered into the blondes ear, who nodded slightly.

The van lurched to the side and the girls both fell, tumbling away from each other. They both sat up, and Taylor moved to be next to Carrie again.
"So, Taylor, how old are you?" Carrie asked her, trying to get the girl talking. She was trying to get her mind off things, trying to distract her from thinking about whatever would come next.
"I'm 22, how old are you?" Taylor asked Carrie the same question.
"I'm 27. Do you have any pets?"
"Yeah, I have three cats" Taylor smiled fondly thinking about her fur babies.
"Yeah? And what are their names?" Carrie chuckled, seeing how much Taylor loved them.
"Olivia Benson, Benjamin Button and Meredith Grey" Taylor grinned.
"Those names are amazing! Aren't they from tv shows?" Carrie laughed at the blondes cat names, finding it so cute she named them after characters.
"Yeah! Meredith Grey is from Greys Anatomy, Olivia Benson is-" Taylor little ramble was cut off by the van door being yanked open, revealing the two men. The girls were so caught up in their conversation that they hadn't realised the van had stopped. They had arrived.

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