2- The Mansion

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The men both had masks covering their faces, so the girls couldn't see what they looked like. The taller one grabbed Taylor's arm, yanking her out the van and causing her to cry out as he twisted it.
"Shut up, or I'll shoot you" he hissed, bringing out a gun and holding it to Taylor's neck. The other masked guy did the same thing with Carrie, holding her next to him. The girls stumbled up the stoned drive as the men pulled them along roughly.

Taylor looked around her, seeing if there was any chance someone was near, but there was nothing. Just fields, stretching for miles and miles. A massive castle- like house looked above them; that's where they were headed.

The men pulled the pair up the steps roughly. Taylor's foot caught on the lip of one of them, causing her to trip and fall on her knees. The man holding her yanked her up roughly, digging his nails into her upper arm. Taylor bit her lip as the tears she had been holding in finally spilled.

As they entered the house, Carrie looked around in wonder as Taylor kept her eyes glued to the floor.
"Oi, eyes down" one of the guys snapped, digging the butt of the pistol into her back, causing her to squirm.
"Yo, Doug, they going under?" One of the men called to the other.
"Yeh, they'll meet Mick tomorrow" The other man, who the girls now knew was Doug, grunted. The four walked down a corridor in silence, eventually meeting a doorway. Doug pushed Taylor forward, leading her down some narrow stone steps, Carrie following.

Eventually they reached the bottom, and were faced with a long stone corridor, dim lamps lining it. It was freezing, and they could hear water dropping from somewhere in the distance. As they walked down the corridor, passing lots of different doorways, Dough nudged the other dude to get his attention.
"What do ya think Mick will say to having another?" He asked, his British accent shining through.
Doug shrugged, scratching his balding head. "I mean, two for the price of one, I fink he'll be 'happy" The group walked on in silence, the only sounds the dripping water, their footsteps echoing of the walls and Taylor's quiet sniffles.

Finally, they reached the end of the corridor. They stopped at a wooden door with metal bars running the full length. There was a tiny gap in the middle of the wood, probably meaning to be a window, but the bars were extra thick over it.
"Right" Doug pulled out some keys from his pocket and slotted them into the lock, opening the door with a click. "Apex and I'll be back tomorrow- thats when the fun begins" he grinned evilly, before chucking Taylor into the room. The other man, how known to be Apex, did the same, and Doug locked the door again, leaving the two girls sprawled out on the stone floor.

The room was bare. It was just stone, stone, stone, with a sack in one corner and a tiny yellow lightbulb on the front wall, protected by iron bars.

Carrie and Taylor both sat up, looking around, taking in their surroundings. Carrie looked back at the younger blonde who had tears running down her face. Her knees were bloody and her arm red and bruised. Carrie could feel a bruise forming on her back from where the pistol dug in, but she had a feeling these would be the best conditions their bodies would be in for a while.

"Come here" she told the blonde, opening her arms. Taylor crawled into them, wrapping her arms around Carries middle and resting her head on her chest. Carrie hugged Taylor tight, gently rubbing her back.
"Its probably very late, how about we get some sleep?" She whispered, and Taylor nodded, pulling away from embrace. Carrie went and lay on the sack in the corner, gesturing for Taylor to join her. She did, laying down next to the older woman. Carrie took Taylor's hand, gently rubbing circles into it with her thumb. Taylor's eyes were drooping and soon enough she was fast asleep, her hand limp in the brunettes. As Carrie gazed at the sleeping girl, alone with the drops of water, Taylor's light breathing and her thoughts, that was when she decided she would try and do anything to keep the girl safe.

A/N I hope you like the story so far :) feel free to vote and comment if you want

I didn't realise until I finished this chapter that I was imagining the evil dudes to be British, but anyways that's what they are

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