3- Mick

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There was a bang on the door, causing both girls eyes to shoot open. They pulled away from her each other hastily, realising they cuddled into each other in their sleep. The door crashed open, revealing Doug and Apex, handcuffs held in one of their hands and a sack in the other.

"Get up" Doug snapped, grabbing Taylor's arm. Apex did the same, yanking Carrie to the side. They chained their hands behind their backs and put the sacks over their heads. They left the room and in single file made their way down the corridor, the men dragging the girls, who couldn't see, behind them.
"Hurry up" Doug snarled as he made his up the stone steps behind Carrie, Taylor stumbling behind. Eventually they reached the top and set off down a carpeted corridor, turning right, left, then left again, then up another flight of stairs.

After a couple more twists and turns they reached a door, which they halted infront of. The men yanked the bags of the girls heads, throwing them to the side. Taylor turned her head to look at Carrie, who was behind her, but Doug slapped her cheek, telling her to look forward. He knocked on the door, and after a gruff voice said 'come in', he clicked it open.

The men led each of the girls in, halting in the middle of the room.
"You have another one I see" the man, Mick, snarled.
"Yes, she was a witness so we had to take her too" Apex dipped his head nervously.
"Perfect" Mick smirked, shooing the two men away. They left the room, shutting the door behind them, so Taylor, Carrie and Mick were left alone.

"Name?" He asked, coming to stand infront of Carrie.
"Carrie" she whispered, her gaze fixed in the carpeted floor.
"Full name, speak up" He snapped, using his hand to yank her chin up so she was looking at him.
"Carrie Thompson" she mumbled, her voice shaking.
"And you?" Mick snarled, directing his gaze over to Taylor.
"Taylor Swift" she said, her voice laced with fear.
"Hm" He looked back over towards Carrie. He ran his finger down the side of her face, licking his lips.
"Aren't you a beauty" he grinned evilly. Carrie shifted from one foot to the other uncomfortably as Taylor looked on.
"How old are you?" Mick asked, lifting her arm.
"Um, I'm 27" Carrie mumbled.
"Okay..." Mick pulled back, stepping over to Taylor.

"And you" he snarled. He took his finger and brushed Taylor's hair away from her face so he could see her more clearly.
"Perfect" he smirked. "Age? You can't be more than your early 20's"
"I'm 22" Taylor whispered.
"Ah perfect, I like 'em young" He lifted her tshirt slightly, before looking over to Carrie.
"We need to get you new clothes" he tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Ones which come of easily" Taylor and Carrie shared a frightened look, their eyes wide.

"Stop looking at eachother" Mick snapped, and both girls quickly looked to the front.
"Okay, take your clothes off and I'm going to get someone to find you new ones" he informed them.
"I- What?" Taylor stuttered.
"No questions just take your clothes off!" Mick shouted, slapping Taylor across the face. She stumbled back, her shaky hand rushing to her burning cheek.
"Hurry up!" He snapped, nodding his head approvingly at Carrie who had already taken off her shirt.

Taylor shakily undressed and soon the two girls were standing in only their underwear. They both had their arms wrapped protectively around their stomachs as their clothes lay in a pile between them.
"Apex! Doug?" Mick yelled, and immediately the two men burst in through the door. They eyed the two girls hungrily, awaiting instructions from their boss.
"Get 'em clothes, something that will come of easy" He told them. The men nodded before bowing their heads and leaving the room once again.

"You hungry?" Mick asked, coming up behind Carrie and running his hand over her ass. She flinched away, nodding.
"And you blondie?" Taylor nodded, still staring at the floor. Mick went over to his drawer and pulled out a packet of crackers.
"This'll be your last good meal for a while, so eat up" he told them, tossing the packet to Carrie. She ripped it open, handing one to Taylor and taking one for herself. The girls sat on the floor next to each other, munching on their food.
"You okay?" Carrie whispered, eyeing Taylor's still red cheek. She nodded.
"You?" She asked as Carrie reached for another cracker.
"Yep" she held a cracker out for the blonde, who took it graciously.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and it opened, revealing Apex and Doug each holding a white bundle of fabric.
"Stand up" Mick barked and both girls jumped to their feet. The two men entered the room, each going over to one girl. Dough handed Taylor the fabric, running his hand over her thigh as she shivered uncomfortably.
"No touching, she's mine" Mick snapped and Doug quickly shook back.
"Hurry up, get changed" he tapped his foot impatiently.

The girls both unfolded the fabric in their hands to reveal a white, grimy tshirt. They slipped it on over their heads and it reached Carries mid-thigh, Taylor's to her knees.
"You can go" Mick told them, grinning creepily. "I look forward to all the fun we're going to have tomorrow"

A/N sorry it's taken me so long to post

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