Welcomes and Weirdos

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 This is my first ever fanfiction, so please go easy on me! Thank you for checking it out! 

In case you haven't read the summary, this is NOT a cliche story where stupid mortals do stupider things to the Seven and all of those stuff. If you're interested in those stuff, this isn't a story for you. 

But otherwise, enjoy! 

(Disclaimer: I do not own the characters PJO and HOO.)

Principal Thompson

 Outside the school, thunder cracked. 

"Goode high school will provide everything a student needs and more," Principal Thompson concluded his 'welcome to Goode speech' (which, he thought, wasn't bad at all; maybe even perfect).  

 Six pairs of eyes looked at him. One boy with a pair of brown eyes yawned. 

 "You'll all come to love it here," finished Principal Thompson, "Goode has some-ah, good peaks every year." He laughed at his own pun. (Of course, nobody else did)

 "Is that you?" the brown eyed boy piped up, pointing at a drawing that was hanging on the wall. 

 Principal Thompson puffed out his chest, "Yes it is." It was a drawing of his late 30s in his first day of being the principal of Goode. He had hired a professional artist to draw him and his 'moment of glory'. (It was his most prideful possession so far; he looked gorgeous in the painting)

 "You look like Hercules in that thing," snorted the brown eyed boy. 

 The principal beamed, "Why thank you." 

 Surely he'd been referring to the strong, handsome hero in the Disney movies. 

 But then the brown eyed boy snickered in such a way that Principal Thompson started to think it wasn't that much of a compliment. ('Come to think of it,' he thought furiously, 'that boy looks like a latino elf.') 

 "Leo!" a girl with purple eyes elbowed Leo, "What he means, sir, is that he's really looking forward to enrolling in here." 

 "I sure am," Leo agreed, although he didn't seem like that. 

 "So," Principal Thompson clasped his hands, "are there any other questions?" 

 An Asian boy with brown eyes raised his hand, "Um, where's the bathroom?" 

 Principal Thompson sighed. He'd made a twenty minute welcoming speech only to be asked where the bathroom was. 

 Nevertheless, as he was a kind man, he smiled warmly and answered, "It's just outside this room, to your right." 

 The boy nodded and rose awkwardly, "Can I...?" 

 "Of course." 

 As the boy exited the office, Leo raised his hand. 

 "Yes?" Mr. Thompson asked. 

 "What happens if there's a fire in school?" 

 "Well-" Principal Thompson was taken aback by the question, "Everyone would evacuate from the school, of course. Unfortunately, classes will have to end early on that occasion." 

 Leo smiled mischievously, "Maybe I could-"

 This, to Principal Thompson's amusement, was interrupted by a few shouts of 'don't you dares' and 'shut ups' from the others. 

 Though he did not know why they were so serious about it. 

 'I mean,' he thought, 'he can't actually burn the school down, can he? He's only a boy!' 

 "Okay, whoa," A girl with gold eyes turned to Principal Thompson as everyone kept yelling at Leo, "I'm really sorry for all of this." she said apologetically. 

 "It's absolutely fine," he smiled (oh, how he loved polite children!), then raised his voice through all the noise, "Are there any other questions?" 

 Nobody answered him, and so Principal Thompson opened his mouth once again, "If there's none, you may all go now. I'll see you next Monday." 

 "I'm sure we're going to love it here," said the pink eyed girl, the one who Leo referred to as 'beauty queen' (which was strange, he was sure her eyes were purple) "Thank you for your time." She stood up and headed for the door. 

 A boy with blue eyes followed her, but not before shaking his hand, "Thank you." 

 Then, one by one, the teenagers all exited, until there was only one girl. 

 Before she went out, when her fingers brushed the door knob, the grey eyed girl turned around to face the principal, "I have a-a friend here," she said, her lips morphing into a soft smile, "his name is Percy Jackson. Do you know him?" 

 Principal Thompson frowned. It wasn't unusual for new students to ask about their friends, students who had already enrolled to school. Normally, he would just answer how 'since there are a lot of students in the school, he can't memorize all their names', but the student the girl was talking about was such a trouble maker that he could never forget. 

 "Perseus Jackson? Who comes to this very office at least two times a week for making trouble?" Damn, he met the Jackson kid more often than his own children. 

 The grey eyed girl merely nodded, "Yes, it's probably him." 

 Principal Thompson swallowed, "Very well then, I'll see you next Monday." 

 The girl nodded again, "Thank you." 

 "No problem." 

 And with that, grey eyed girl went out of the office. 


 Thunder cracked. 

 Just in front of Goode High School stood six legendary demigods. 

 "Years of ignorance and then deciding that I need some education," grumbled Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus "Gee, thanks a lot, dad." 

 Thunder rumbled from above, as if to reply. 

 Earlier that month, the Gods had come to an agreement that the six demigod heroes needed mortal education. As a result, they were required to pick a high school to go to. 

 To nobody's surprise, everyone had picked Goode High School. 

 Not  because it had 'Goode perks every year', as Principal Thompson had stated, but because there would be at least one friendly face in the huge school. 

 "It's not exactly wrong," stated Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, "I mean, we all are a bunch of stupid, hormonal teenagers. At least, most of us are," she added the last part quickly. 

 "Nah, you just want to see your Percy," Leo snickered, but changed it into a cough as the daughter of Athena gave him a murderous glare. 

 "I just don't get why we have to go to school now. Like, now. In our something year of life," complained Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite. 

 To be honest, she didn't even know what her age was at this point. The gods had equaled their age so that they could attend high school altogether; it was the only thing Piper had been grateful of. At least she didn't have to be alone in this. 

 "Nothing's too late," pointed out Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto. 

 "Yeah. Besides, we'll be going through it together," said Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, "even Percy." 

 "It's not like we can change their minds," added Frank Zhang, son of Mars, pointing up to the sky, where Olympus was in. 

 The six demigods sighed. 

 How was it? I wrote this about a year ago and barely re-read it so I really don't know if this is okay. 

 But anyway, thank you again for reading this. Please vote and share your thoughts through the comment section!  

 Have a good day/night! 

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