vi. dormmates

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THE NOTE unfolded at the entrance to the Slytherin common room and it had another word, which I assumed was the password, so I read it aloud. I stepped inside and the note immediately flew off and hit someone in the back of the head, crumpling on impact.

I winced as the person turned and saw me then glanced down at the note. He frowned, "Jaci Thompson?"

"Yes," I replied, watching as he picked up the paper and read it.

He nodded, "Okay, go along to your dorm."

I walked past him, towards the hall he'd pointed to, and entered the first room. Girls were already sitting on their four-poster beds and chatting with each other, stopping when I entered. I met most of their eyes and one girl smiled at me, her eyes welcoming.

"Hey, are you Thompson?" she asked, leaning forward.

I nodded.

"Well I'm Marjorie, but I prefer Jo," she leaned back into her pillows, hugging one to her chest.

Charis, who'd been on her side facing away from everyone, rolled over, "Where were you?"

Everyone looked intrigued but I couldn't think of a lie, "Professor Dumbledore's office." I noticed them all frown immediately, "Not because I'm in trouble, I just- had a question."

"Okay," Charis nodded slowly, though she looked a little unconvinced. She looked at me for another few moments before turning back over.

"We've already introduced ourselves to each other but we can do it again," Marjorie looked to the girl in the bed to her right as she said this.

The girl had short strawberry blond hair and freckles on her pale face, "I'm Adola."

There was someone else sitting on Adola's bed, who shared the same wide brown eyes, and she had a kind of indifferent expression on her face. "Rosalee," she drawled then, as if she noticed me glancing between her and Adola, she explained, "We're twins."

On the bed next to them was Charis, who said nothing and remained facing away from everyone, so the girl sitting on the rug spoke, "Harley."

"And I'm Tori," the last said, twisting her braids around her fingers as she talked.

"We were just getting to know each other," Marjorie explained, gesturing between everyone, "Mostly just talking about our families and interests."

"Miss shyness over there hasn't said anything at all," Rosalee smirked, "Probably homesick."

I knew she was referring to Charis, even though she hadn't looked at her. I didn't like Rosalee's attitude so I shrugged, "Aren't we all? And families are sore subjects, you shouldn't expect her to talk."

"Oh, little miss bold, now, aren't you? Should've been a Gryffindor," she tsked, her eyes flinty.

Harley looked between us all, "Don't fight."

"The sorting hat knows what it's doing," I replied coolly.

She laughed, a sharp bark of a laugh, and rolled her eyes, "But do you?"

"Rosalee, stop it," Adola chided, pulling her sister's shoulder.

I curled my lip but said nothing since I wasn't wanting to pick a fight, especially with all the other girls in the dorm, as well. Starting a fight on the first day surely would bring too much unwanted attention and I didn't need that.

I pulled the curtains to my bed, blocking the others from view, and I heard Rosalee snort, "Who's brave now?"

The other girls fell silent as I lay on top of the blankets, curled on my side. I was already a little homesick and, when the chatter started up again, I felt alone. I probably could've stayed up talking late like they did, since they talked for what seemed like hours, but I didn't feel like.

Especially after Rosalee made fun of Charis for asking them to be quieter around midnight.


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