vii. first day

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THE NEXT morning I woke up to the Tori rummaging around in her chest. She was the only one awake and she smiled sheepishly when she saw me push aside my curtain and sit up. She leaned over and whispered, "Sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, it's fine," I assured her, fully opening my curtains to see that she'd pushed open the rest in our room. Everyone else was still asleep with their curtains drawn but I couldn't tell what time it was, "How long have you been awake?"

"About an hour," she replied, leaning back over her trunk as she pulled out a small box. She flicked it open and pulled out a gold chain with what looked like a real ruby, "Does this look too Gryffindor to you?"

I nodded, "Just a little."

She sighed and set the necklace back then dug out another, "What about this?" It was a silver chain with a black stone hanging from it, nothing over the top. I shook my head and she slipped it on over her head and smiled at me, "Thanks. I'm going down for breakfast, I'll save seats for you."

She stood up and walked out, quietly pulling the door closed behind her as she left. I got out of bed and got ready while everyone else started to wake up. I watched as the others pulled back their curtains and groaned, rubbing sleep from their eyes.

Rosalee seemed to be the only one still asleep by the time most of us were finished. Harley wanted to wake her but Adola argued that she still had at least another half hour before she had to get up.

The four of them walked out but I trailed behind, pausing at the door. I wanted to talk to Charis but didn't feel like waking her. Surprisingly, I didn't have to because her curtains parted and she peeked out, "What time is it?"

"Time for breakfast, sort of," I stepped back into the room.

She sighed and got up, reaching for her hair brush, "Did everyone else leave already?"

"Just a moment ago. Rosalee is still asleep, though."

She nodded and started to run her brush through her hair carefully, wincing when it caught on knots, "Were you up with them last night?"

"No, I went to sleep. How long were you awake?"

"Not long, I don't think. They were still talking when I fell asleep," she stood up and started to dress, pulling on her skirt, "You don't have to wait for me."

I shrugged but didn't say anything, sitting on my bed while I waited for her to finish. She smiled at me as she put on her tie and gestured for me to head out the door. I obliged and we left the common room together, heading up for the Great Hall with other stragglers.

The hall was filled by the time we got there but I saw Tori easily with a bit of space next to her. I pointed her out to Charis, who seemed hesitant, but when Tori noticed our approach and smiled brightly, her hesitancy seemed to fade.

We sat down next to our dormmates and dished up some food, listening to their conversation. They all seemed to be talking about the classes, since everyone was excited to start. Adola, who was a muggle born, seemed the most excited for Transfiguration and Charms, since they were the most new to her, though everything was.

"I can't wait for Defense Against the Dark Arts," Marjorie mimed casting a spell, "Fighting off others in duels!"

Tori rolled her eyes, "I don't think you'll be dueling many people here, Jo."

"Just you wait," she replied coolly, stabbing a piece of egg with her fork and stuffing it into her mouth.

"Flying class is going to be so fun," Harley added, sipping from her mug of some sort of juice.

Adola shivered and made a small face, "No, that sounds frightening. Being many meters off the ground and only supported by a thin stick? Thank you, but no."

"Flying is the best part," Tori argued, leaning across the table towards Adola, "Quidditch! Just wait, quidditch is seriously the best sport out there."

They started to talk over each other as they explained quidditch to Adola, also trying to convince her which team to support. She seemed highly confused by very amused as they all started to argue with each other over their teams, Marjorie being the loudest for hers.

As breakfast started to come to an end and other students started leaving for their classes, we all stood and tried to find our class. We shared Charms with the Hufflepuffs in the mornings but none of us seemed to be able to find the classroom, even though Harley had spent a few hours memorizing a rough sketch of the school her parents had drawn for her.

Charis lagged behind as we made wrong turn after wrong turn but, when I dropped back to walk with her, she slowed even more until she was behind me, too. I glanced at her then rejoined the group, watching as she picked up her pace until she was just behind us again.

I pointed down a hall to our left, "Isn't that it?"

The others looked down it and Tori nodded, "I think those are some of the first year boys."

We followed them into a classroom and, thankfully, it was the Charms room. The professor was a short man who stood on a stack of books, greeting us all cheerfully as we entered. Students were sitting wherever so we claimed a space to the back left, sitting above others. Rosalee came to join us moments later, looking exhausted and purposefully messy, since her hair was fluffed up and her tie was slightly crooked.

Hufflepuffs were saying hello to the Slytherins who were nearby in their kind way but most of the snakes seemed too tired to chat back. Eventually, Professor Flitwick called for everyone to take their seats so class could start.

During class, Adola took notes on basically everything Flitwick said while Harley, Marjorie, and Tori doodled and passed notes to each other. Rosalee put her head on the table and seemed to fall asleep again.

Charis was taking notes but only the important stuff, staring off into space most of the time. I had my quill and parchment out but I hadn't done much more than title the page. I glanced over to Adola and found that she was already on the back of hers, scribbling furiously to keep up as the professor spoke.

Class was dismissed shortly after and the rest of our lessons went the same as Charms.


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