Chapter 9

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Waking up you found yourself alone in bed, and after wiping the sleep from your eyes you noticed both pairs of clothes from your boyfriends were gone as well. In fact there seemed to be no signs they'd even been here the previous night.

Yawning as you made your way to the living room, you chanced the thought that maybe last night was just one big dirty dream.

"Ah, there's my sleepy boi!" Your roommate teased as you plopped down on the couch beside them, leaning to sleepily rest your head on their shoulder.

"Mornin~" You spoke groggily. "Do we have anything for breakfast? I'm starved."

"I think we have some cereal left and maybe a few of those toaster pastries. Did you want me to make you something before I head in for work?" They gave a few light pats to your head.

"Nah don't worry about it." Sitting up and getting off the couch with a stretch, you debated if you wanted to just run out somewhere for food. "I'll figure something out."

Your roommate nodded, sitting quietly on their phone for a minute or two as you rummage through your kitchen cabinets. Ultimately you gave up, sitting back down beside them, deciding you'd go to a cafe after they left.

"So, sounded like you guys had a lot of fun last night~" Rommie teased, glancing at you.

An embarrassed warmth spread on your cheeks. "Ah, yea... Sorry if we were too loud."

"It's fine, I'm just messing with you dude." They gave a playful jab to your side with their elbow. "Oh by the way, you're boyfriends said to tell you they'll message you later and apologized for leaving so early."

"Oh, thanks." Sprawling out fully on the couch as your roommate stood up. "They seem to leave somewhat early after spending the night..."

Putting on their jacket and shoes, roomie gave you a teasing look. "Maybe you're breath is so terrible in the morning it drives them off!"

You groaned at them. "Just leave already, and quit bullying me!"

They laughed, saying a goodbye and heading out for their job. Left alone now you sat for a few minutes, before finally willing yourself up off the couch to go get dressed. Throwing on some casual clothes and light binding, you grabbed your necessities: phone, keys, and wallet. Heading out, down the stairs of your apartment and towards the nearest train station. 

The day past quickly and quietly, you'd grabbed something to eat from your favorite café before deciding to pick up a few extra hours at work to help save up for new motorcycle you'd eventually get. Neither of the boys, or anyone else from Toman for that matter, texted or called you which you chalked up to them just being busy with commander duties.

 Now here you were, walking along the street, admiring the setting sun and all the beautiful colors it painted the sky. You noticed a pair of familiar blondes pass by a few blocks ahead of you, riding bikes with another blonde you didn't recognize. By the time you'd found where the three ended up, you noticed the unknown boy was gone and now a few others guys were stood talking to the familiar pair. You got a bad feeling at the sight of the conversation so you opted to just hang back at the distance you were, about a block away and wait till the strangers left.

Finally after their conversation was over and they begun to part ways, you started walking over, calling out to the pair. "Hey strangers!"

Mikey looked around for a second before spotting you, giving a big smile and wave. "Hey Handsome, didn't expect to run into you today."

You crossed your arms a bit, now stopping to stand a few steps away. "Yeah, I'm sure you didn't. Especially considering you and Haru left without any goodbyes and neither of you have said anything to me today. Then I see you and Draken biking around town with some random dude."

Happiness of Revenge (Mikey xReader x Sanzu)Where stories live. Discover now