Agreeing to the marriage proposal

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"So you're CEO of Min Company??"

Mr.Park ask while yoongi stop eating and wipe his lips with napkin and look at to Jimin who is looking down and look back to Mr.Park

"Auh..yes uncle and I apologize if my parents didn't came.."

"Oh it's nothing son it's totally fine"

Mr.Park said but he look at to Jimin who was intense while looking down on his lap.

"And oh I forgot.." The whole attention goes to Mr.Park

"What is it dad??"Jin ask who is busy looking to taehyung's brother Namjoon.

"Well..Yoongi son did your parents didn't tell you something... except for giving this pretty flowers to us??"

"Well actually they didn't...why?"

Mr and Mrs Park laugh while Jin, Jimin, Taehyung, Eunwoo look at them with done looks

"Mom dad it's not a time to laugh.."Jimin whisper and he look at to yoongi who keep looking at him meanwhile yoongi didn't notice that the many pair of eye's is glaring at him of course it's Jin, Taehyung and Eunwoo.

"Well I must tell then..
Actually your parents and us decided to arrange a marriage on you and to our son Jimin...and don't worry it's a private wedding.".Mr Park said with a confident in his self while the other's started to choke to the food and started coughing..

Meanwhile yoongi is just sitting there keep looking at Jimin who's coughing like his life depend on it..

"what are you talking dad??my Chim married?? WHAT!??No I don't want him to get married to the person that we just meet an hour ago!"

"Please relax my son..just stay calm..and yes and yoongi do you have any problem in it?"

"I don't..."

"Oh well honey we must prepare for it.."

"When??"Yoongi ask and Jimin's parents smile.

"Don't worry son we will tell to your parents.."

"Oh..okey uncle...i will wait for it"Yoongi said before standing to his sit and fix his suit ignoring the glare from Taehyung, Eunwoo and jin..

"I'm very happy to came here and give a pretty flowers auntie and uncle but I have to go now because I have many meetings is waiting in my  company.."

Yoongi said and hug both of them before exited to the mansion following  behind Namjoon, Jhope and Jackson.

Meanwhile the four boys looking to Mr and Mrs Park with a disbelief looks.

"Dad my br-"

"He will marry yoongi and final.. common honey let's go to sleep.."

"But da-"

"No but it's final got it!? Let's go honey I'm tired"Mr.Park said and hold his wife hand and walk out to the kitchen and walk headed upstairs.

"Jin hyung do something...I don't want to get married!" Jimin said and stand up to his sit he was now freaking panic 10000....

while Taehyung and Eunwoo is sitting on Thier sit silently...well both of them are hurt inside..

"I might leaving now..."Taehyung said and stand up awkwardly

"Me too.."Eunwoo said and stand up while not looking at Jimin..

"But it's-" Jimin try to say something but Taehyung cut him.

"I know it's 1 pm in the afternoon but we have a lots are doing to do.Haha right Eunwoo??" Taehyung ask Eunwoo who just laugh awkwardly and scratch his neck.

Before Jimin can say anything Taehyung and Eunwoo run out of the mansion and find a place to yell of what they fell right now..

Leaving Jimin and Jin speechless Jimin look at to his hyung.

"Hyung help me! I don't want to get married yet right?? Hyung you know me well please say to dad and mom that cancel that arrange marriage.. Hyung I want to marry the person I love..not a person that I just meet an hour ago!" Jimin pleaded while wiggling his brothers arms.

"I will try t-to talk to them just stay here..."Jin said before running out of the kitchen headed to his parents room to talk..

Meanwhile Jimin just sat to the chair still can't believe of what happening right now.

"Why the fuck he aggred it's only hour since we meet.. aught!! I won't marry that horse!!!"


"Yoongi why did you agree??" Namjoon ask who's sitting next to yoongi meanwhile Jhope just keep silent while Jackson is driving the car.

Yoongi look at to Namjoon before looking back to his phone.

"Well his cute.. and if it's my parents wish then I will agree.." Yoongi said but the truth is he keep remembering his dream it's look real.

And Jimin will gonna be his Husband?

His cute Husband.

And he agree because he noticed how Jhope look at to Jimin and also how Taehyung and Eunwoo look jealous when he agree to the marriage proposal.

"And oh I notice the way your brother look to My.Future.Husband..and I don't like it.." Yoongi said and he turn on the earbuds and started to listening some music.

While Namjoon just look at him with disbelief  before look out of the he window.

So he will be my husband huh??let see how you will  beg for my d*ck like how I fuck you in my dream..Yoongi said to his mind and smile a little bit while his eyes are close he keep remembering those dream.

And how Jimin laughing in front of him earlier saying welcome back.

Yoongi keep imagining of what's the feelings going home and welcoming by his Husband and what is the feelings holding those tiny waist those feminine body of Jimin..

He can't wait to slam Jimin in the wall and eat him alive..

And those plumpy lips what is it he taste of it??...

A strawberry flavored maybe..Yoongi said to his mind and fall asleep.

Without knowing a pair of eye's is watching him in the mirror inside of the car with furming an anger inside.

I don't care if you are my friend but his mine bro..only mine..


If your read the prologue you will know of who is the person that like Jimin..

And his half brother of Taehyung and Namjoon..

Okey that's it for today  ba bye

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