[5] - I'm Not Cold.

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It's been a week, maybe. After he tried to tell Tim who he was. A week after Toby had run into the room while he had been mid sentence. It was alright, he guessed. He wasn't sure why he tried, anyway.

It hadn't been a good idea. Hell, nothing about living in a mansion filled with other murders and psychopaths alike was a good idea. Free housing and money had been a tough deal, however. And being revived to do his bidding was a bit hard to ignore.


He remembers being brought back. It hurt. His back hurt, his head pounded, and he could barely speak. He let out a choked “Hello?” before passing out again. He remembers being dragged across the forest floor, the grime that had accumulated under his nails. The thick blood that had matted the hair on the back of his head and then everything went black once again.

He still has severe back pain, which he's bitter about. You can bring him back to life but not get rid of the back issues? Yeah, okay.


He sighs, lying against his bed silently. Speaking of back issues, he had pulled the muscle there again. He was resting it, knowing damn well he'd be called in for some sort of mission regardless of his health. Unless it was a “serious” issue, they never got a moments peace.

A knock on his door stirred him from his thoughts, and he groaned softly, sitting up and wincing silently at the pain it brought him. The door then opened, and there stood a very bloody and tired looking Tim. He probably just got back from a mission, given he hasn't done any cleaning up. He inspected the other a bit more closely.

Tim's mask was to the side, a few dirt stains near the knees of his jeans. How Tim did most of his running and missions in jeans of all things Brian would never know. But they had been slightly ripped now. A bloody hand mark was across the front of his jacket, some dirt more present on it. He guesses most of the dirt is just dried mud given all the storming that happened while he was out.

“You.” He started, taking in a breath. He didn't sound entirely upset, just probably a bit out of it.

“Me?” Brian hummed, sitting up more on his bed.

There was a pause between the two of them, and Brian tilted his head slightly. Not in a mocking way. He was just curious. What would Tim want right after a mission?

“Can I just- Sleep in here tonight?” Tim finally managed, sighing. Yeah, he looks like shit.

Brian shrugs, patting his bed. “Sure, Masky. You still want me in here or?”

He didn't mind letting Tim sleep with him, honestly. Besides the fact he wouldn't take the mask off while sleeping. That might cause some problems.

“Yeah. Stay here. I can sleep on the floor so I'm not cramping up anything.”

“Sleep on the floor? Come on, man, you can take the bed.” His back screams at him in advance for that comment.

“What? Don't you have some freakish back problems?”

An audible Yeah, you're right but shut the fuck up groan was let out.

“..Yeah. Okay, Jesus. Why don't we just both sleep in my bed?”

“That could work.” Tim agreed, humming.

“Cool. Cause you look like you're about to pass out.”

“Oh shut it. You probably don't look any better under your mask.”

“I look fabulous, actually.”

Tim snorts and Brian can feel himself smiling under the mask, letting out a small huff of laughter. Tim comes to sit next to Brian and leans back against the bed, small bits of dirt getting all over Brian's poor bedsheets.

“Yeah sure. For all I know you could be balding.” Tim snorts, taking his mask off completely and discarding it onto the somewhat clean floor.

“And end up looking like Jeff? I'll pass, honestly.”

Tim starts to wheeze, covering his mouth as his eyes crinkled in the corners as Brian couldn't help but stare. He really was just the same lover boy he had been in college, just with the added challenge of being in a.. “odd” situation.

He honestly misses their college years. How they were so casually touchy and the quiet night spent together while Brian decided to try and learn guitar. No matter how awful Brian had been, Tim sat with him and attempted to help him play. He misses that. So much. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to share a bed tonight.

Tim calms down, shedding off his jacket and tossing it on top of his mask. “Need to clean your room, this thing is covered in paperwork.”

Brian shrugs, trying to pull his covers up to no avail.

“Nah.. How will I know where everything is if I put it away?”

“By remembering where it is?”

“That's too hard, Masky.”

Tim rolled his eyes, getting up so Brian could actually pull up the blankets and sheets. Brian threw a blanket at Tim, smiling under his mask lightly.

“Don't wanna catch a cold, eh? Can't imagine the fact you looked like a wet dog earlier.”

“Fuck off, Hoodie-” Tim grins and chuckles, taking the blanket as he actually lay down now.

“You're in my room, dude.”

“Mine now, isn't it?”

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