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Like a bird of prey C'thelli swooped down from her perch and plucked the little man from the stage before anybody could blink. With her claws digging into the thin fabric of his tunic, she covered his mouth and dragged him into an unoccupied room. Without effort, she chucked Louis into a chair and slammed the door shut as the crowd roared with amusement below. They were alone.

The human attempted to flee, however with a satisfying zing, her sword flung from her scabbard and pushed him back down lest he cut himself upon her blade. When his mouth opened to cry out she merely pinched the soft skin of his neck with her sword and hissed, "Do it, I dare you." Whether he was better at reading people than Feimo, or simply a coward, he shut up and threw his hands up in a sign of defeat.

With the momentary peace of whimpering silence, she took a moment to observe her surroundings. The room was small, and was evidently meant for a couple as a single double bed took up much of the space along with a desk and two chairs. As for the man, it only took one glance to realise that the demon's analysis was right. He really did have a big nose. It's mighty nostrils were like graves with how wide they were. It practically made gasping through his mouth obsolete. Pathetic.

With a clenched jaw and an extra bout of pressure, she finally snapped, "How do you know Vivian?" In the dark of the isolated room, she was certain that she looked unrecognisable as her bright yellow eyes glared down at him with a blinding rage.

"I don't understand? Vivian? What's this to do with her?" He asked through a sniffle.

"You were in correspondence with her recently."

"Yes! He cowed.

"So why is it that nobody knew she died?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"You knew Vivian when she was alive, no?"

At this, the musician could only nod with tears in his eyes as the cold touch of death lingered on his throat. "You told her that you knew where she was buried." His bulging Adam's apple wriggled up and down in a gulp. Yeah, he knew where this was going.

"So I say again, why didn't the village know she died? Why didn't you rouse them? So help me, God doesn't like lying wretches and neither do I!" She spat the words out like venom from a snake coiling around it's prey

"Please, I can't -" With a quick swish of her blade her pommel connected with his jaw, "Ok! Yes, we knew Vivian was dead. It was Elise, she killed her. I don't know what happened. I wasn't there. she just came to me one night in a panic and asked for my help. I didn't know it was Vivian's body until we dumped her in the pond!" He squeaked through broken sobs.

"And what about the meeting? Was it you who gave her the gem? Were you behind the griffin?" The questions tumbled out of her mouth in rapid successions, leaving the man speechless until the cool metal slithered against his cheek and trimmed half of his moustache.

"I don't know about the gems, they just appeared in our home one day, we thought it was Vivian seeking revenge. Elise said she'd handle it, I don't know anything about a griffin." Louis whimpered as he tried to sink into the chair. Beyond the door, another round of clapping and cheers erupted from the ground floor. Moments later and the door burst open to reveal a blushing Feimo. Behind him music began to play once more. This time it was slower, more sloppily played as they undoubtedly had one too many. Louis had been forgotten.

"Ok, 'Thell, I told them that my final magic trick was a vanishing act. We've got about two minutes before somebody checks on us. Tell me you know a way out of here?" The demon whispered as he gently closed door behind him.

Silence befell her as she pondered what the human said. These little pests had murdered Vivian and hid it from the world. Now while the gems remained a mystery, God's justice will be served. "I may not have known her for a full year, but the girl you tried to kill means more to me than this whole village put together. Feimo, take those sheets and tie him up. Cover his mouth too." She muttered without moving an inch.

C'thelli's Demonic Orphanage (Completed and Editing)Where stories live. Discover now