Lana is my best friend. She's amazing, but I can't seem to forget about Nathan. He was my best friend ever since I was four years old, and we had so many great times together. So great I, eventually, caught feelings for him. I never told him about those feelings as I never thought they were mutual. Him and I are from Darenvale and when I moved to Laguna Beach and started Highschool there, we never talked anymore. I haven't heard from him in two years. He was a few months older than me and always rubbed it in my face. He was sweet, funny, caring, and charming. My story starts here.
{| Laguna Beach High, Tuesday at 9:20 A.M. |}
I had just entered the school and immediately saw Lana enter the office. I wanted to say hello, but she looked stressed, so I didn't. I continued walking towards my locker and suddenly I hear a shit ton of people whispering. I open my locker as I look around to see what's going on, I see nothing, so I take my phone out and start texting Lana.
"I'll be there in a heartbeat. Put the blindfold on, the one I put in your locker." I look at the text confused until I look at the bottom of my locker, there lays a red and blue blindfold. Confused, I put the blindfold on after closing my locker.
"Don't take the blindfold off. I have a surprise for you." She tells me before positioning me in front of my locker. "Stay still." She speaks. In my mind I'm thinking it's a puppy or something, but with all the whispers and giggles in the hallway. I feel two strong hands on my waist pull me closer. "Who's touching me?" I ask, confused and slightly concerned.
"Just be quiet and stay still." The voice said. It was a male's voice, but a voice I recognized. No. It can't be him. "Take the blindfold off." The boy said. And I listened. I slowly took the blindfold off and immediately saw phones and cameras pointed at me, I look up at the boy and it was him. I couldn't speak. I was at loss for words, tears started forming in my eyes, my heartbeat was fast.
It was him. Nathan. He didn't say anything, but he hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. "You're're actually here..." I mumbled before pulling back a bit to look into his eyes. "I missed you so much..." I said as my voice cracked and he kissed me.
"I'm back, Ma."
{| JUST AN FYI, THE BOY AND MAIN CHARACTER ARE REAL PEOPLE (aka me and my best friend although I haven't seen him in 3+ years) AND THIS WAS CREATED IN MY IMAGINATION! THESE EVENTS DID NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN (although I wish it did..) |}
Imagine Scenarios
Fanfiction~{|Imagine Scenarios|}~ is a fictional story with tons of scenarios in it.