{| Unrecognizable |}

10 2 0

"Vee, wake up. You've got to catch your flight. You leave in a few hours." My mother says while snatching my blanket off of my body. I reluctantly rolled out of bed and walked towards my closet to grab gym clothes. It is 5 AM. I grab some cute navy-blue shorts and a black baggy tee before stepping foot in the bathroom to shower. 

A few minutes after showering and getting dressed and getting breakfast I head to the gym for leg day.

After the gym I get home in a rush. I grab some black shorts, a cute baggy tee, and some white Nike socks. With my luggage already packed, all I have left to do is shower again and then head to the airport. It is now 6:15 AM. My flight leaves at 9 AM. I get in the shower and then get dressed all over again, I put my hair in a messy bun and grab my comfy shoes to then head out to the airport. 

I arrive at the airport at 7:20 AM. I drop my luggage off at the check in and take my carry-on backpack to the plane.

~{| Time Skip Because I'm Too Lazy to Write More About the Simplest Things |}~

"Finally. I'm here and I can finally sleep." I say out-loud even though I am talking to myself. I take my phone and call the owner of the house. "Hey, I'm outside. Let me know when everything is ready so I can come in."

"Alright. I think they're ready now. Now in." The lady says. I open the door to the house and her eldest son immediately stood up off the couch where his younger siblings were also sitting.

"Vee..." The eldest son whispers while stepping closer to me.

"Hey, Nathan. Long time, no see." I say while smiling before hugging him. He hugs me back and I can tell this is still my best friend I had left when I moved. He kept his promise and stayed the same kind, loving, handsome boy he used to be. Although he has gotten hotter.

I, on the other hand, have changed a lot. My hair is now different, I'm skinnier, I've got a better physique, I'm a lot better at keeping track of my schedule, and I've gotten prettier.

"How long are you staying this time? Last time you came home you didn't visit us." Nathan asks me, a slight frown on his face.

"A few months. Your mom said I could stay here, with you in your room." I reply before looking over at his siblings. "How about you guys, did you guys miss me?" I ask his little brother and sister. 

The kids smile and run over to hug me. I smile down at them and hug them back. Nathan stands there just looking at us. He seems so unrecognizable from the outside but on the inside he's still my best friend.

"Alright kids, I think Vee needs some sleep. Nathan lead her to your room please." His mom says and Nathan listens.

~{| Another Time Skip Cause I'm Lazy:) |}~

Nathan was playing video games while I tossed and turned in his bed, which we'd be sharing. He noticed I was uncomfortable and turned his game off before crawling into bed next to me. He pulls me closer to him by my waist and although I'm sleeping, I feel safer knowing he's there protecting me even when I'm sleeping.

"Goodnight, Princessa.."

 Okay guys I just wanted to come and end the story with a bit of explaining as to why the names are repetitive in some of these stories and also because there will be more names being repeated. So, I had this guy best friend I haven't seen in forever (2-3 years) and I miss him. Like a lot. I loved him. When I moved here, I just wanted to go home to him. He never knew about my feelings for him because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. These stories with our names/nicknames are just from my delusions and are 100% fake. I hope you enjoy these because there are a lot more coming. 

Yours Truly, 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03 ⏰

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