Untitled Part 5

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Harlem walked the path through the trees and brush trying to figure out these weird feelings running through his heart. He has watched Rowan for years and she looks just as sad as the first time he's seen her. Just that scared sad child amongst the flowers and veggies in her grandfather's garden. Now that garden has become her own and she flurishes day after day on the outside. On the inside she is ice cold. Her eyes show sadness but underneath that is the eyes of a predator, animalistic and feral.

Harlem smiles to himself and lets out a chuckle. She intrigued him even on the saddest day of her life. Watching her everyday since became habit. He would listen to her sister sing the song of her people while Rowan ripped weeds and planted new herbs. Thinking back the only actual flowers around the house now were roses of many different colors. He preferred blue roses but they only grow in Hylo. Maybe he could get some seeds and plant them in her rose bushes. Give her a nice surprise and she might like them. He contemplated the plan running through his head when a hand placed its self on his shoulder.

"No," Harlem growled.

"Oh come on Harlem! The king won't be happy if you don't show up to his feast for finding his bride!" The grinning Vitani twirled in front of him.

"I have a prior engagement." He growled.

"Oh you mean Rowan?" Vitani cocked her head to the side innocently with a vicious smile.

"Don't go near her she's mine."

Harlem stalked towards Vitani with anger and Vitani shrugged. Her rainbow colored locks pulled into a dutch braid and her deep blue eyes danced with amusement. She's light on her feet but so is Harlem. Before she could dodge him he grabs her neck and pins her to a tree.

"Vitani, this isn't funny. Don't mess with Rowan."

"I'm not! I'm not I swear! Fuck Harlem let go!"

Struggling against Harlem's grip Vitani claws at his arm. She's getting angrier by the second. But before she can let out her screech Harlem lets her go. Taking in deep breaths Vitani's eyes meet Milan's and she lets out a groan. Slowly standing up she wipes the dirt off her pants, "What do you want Milan?"

Milan rolls his eyes and says, "Is that how you show appreciation to your savior Vitani?"

"More like the harbinger of annoyance," Harlem chuckled.

"Why were you trying to strangle His Majesties Siren, Harlem?" Milan smirked while looking at Vitani.

"Better question why are you both plus the king spying on Rowan's cabin?"

Both Vitani and Milan turn pale and glance at each other. Harlem clicks his tongue then wipes his hand over his face. His lazy stare roams over their faces as he sees their emotions changing every second. Their eyes speaking words no one can hear. Harlem isn't a fan of secrets among comrades. A deep gutteral growl escapes his lips as Vitani smiles innocently and Milan looks a little uncomfortable.

"Not going to lie Harlem we always wanted to know where you would go when you left the city." Vitani looks at Milan and he shrugs.


"Well," Vitani places her finger on her chin and taps it, "So we decided to follow you one day using a cloaking spell. Believe you me I didn't expect you to be spying on some woman. I never pegged you as a companion type at all."

"What she means Harlem is that we followed you, saw you at Rowan's, and I saw my mate." Sighing Milan placed his hands in his pocket and leaned against a tree.

Harlem's eyes widened in shock. Milan found his mate? Who at Rowan's house would be Milan's mate? Couldn't be Rowan. He thought. No way. He shook his head causing his white hair to fall into his face and he ran his fingers through it sliding it back. His eyes roamed to Vitani who for some reason smiled sheepishly. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his finger and thumb waving at them to continue with his other hand.

"Well like Milan said he found his mate. Don't fret Harlem its not Rowan!" Vitani sang amused.

"Okay? Is it her sister? I don't think that's likely. So its the neighbor?" Harlem raised his eyebrow at Milan.

"Heta, yes." Milan turned his face away from his two so called friends. The image of Heta forming in his mind.

"Also don't tell Raoul I told you both, but Rowan's sister is his mate." Vitani fiddled with the heart necklace around her neck as she looked at her friends. Their eyes widened in shock and Milan's jaw dropped. Of course, Vitani felt the same way when she realized but the fact that all three of her close friends mates ended up also being their own little group was kind of funny. Thinking on it all three girls kind of matched up with the males in her life. Rowan was just as dangerous as Harlem. Heta even though she has no knowledge of magic looked like she was just covered in faerie dust like Milan with his magic. Then lastly Celeste, she had the light aura the same way Raoul did. They all matched perfectly but their looks were opposite. Rowan was dark haired and fair skinned while Harlem was white haired and tanned. Heta was sun-kissed and petite while Milan was tall and fair. Then Celeste looked like a princess, golden and pure, while Raoul was laid back but stern with his full lips and Viking styled hair. They all fit like a puzzle but delightfully different at the same time. Oh how she wish she could be in the same boat.

"So what you're saying is Rowan's sister, the blonde one, is his mate? Is that even a good thing? She isn't what I would say, leadership material." Harlem muttered while staring at the tree tops.

"Her name is Celeste, Harlem!" Vitani sighed.

"So Celeste is the one who paints on the porch," Milan chuckled, "She seems innocent".

"Oh she is. Last week if Heta didn't call out to Rowan Celeste would've fell face first into mulch." Harlem laughed.

"Harlem that's not funny! She could've been hurt," Vitani fussed.

"Oh she was fine. Rowan caught her. She's lucky Rowan actually loves her. I would've laughed if it was me."

Milan chuckled into his hand and said, "Harlem, not everyone sees someone being clumsy and think them getting hurt is hilarious."

"Oh you mean Vitani?" Harlem winked at Milan.

Both men laughed which had Vitani grimacing. If Raoul could see them now they wouldn't be laughing like hyenas. That Light Fae loved her, she could see it in his eyes. He looked at Celeste the same way these idiots looked at their mates. However, Vitani has seen Rowan dote on her sister numerous times on her own trips to their cabin out of habit. Rowan had a way with just being dominant in their sister relationship. Probably because she was the oldest but also because Celeste actually gave off princess vibes. Where Rowan was independent Celeste was simply submissive. She enjoyed being a flower in a battlefield while Rowan liked being the feral lioness on that field. They suited each other in their own way. Which made Vitani smile as she watched her two best friends laugh and enjoy their time together talking about the delicate flower that belonged to their king.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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