Ch. 2

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Meanwhile in the world of the Fae two high noble Fae were arguing about the incident that happened. The beautiful half Fae named Vitani was angry with the king's shaman. Her face scrunched up in thought aa she walked the streets of Hylo remembering the argument that took place.

"How could you! We were there for my mate not anyone else's!" The shaman huffed out in a deep rage.

"You just don't understand Elf!" Vitani groaned placing her finger at her temple trying to calm the forming headache.

"I don't? The woman was right in front of you! Why did you call out to the witch?"

"The witch? You mean Rowan?" Vitani looked at the shaman puzzled

"Yes! All of us males call her a witch. She makes potions using the herbs she grows. We have watched her drink them before."

"Milan, how rude of you all! She's a herbologist! I mean I guess what she makes would be considered witchcraft in the eyes of humans because she's wiccan." Vitani ponderedthe thought.

She watched as Milan paced back and forth mad at how he didn't get his bride. However, Vitani noticed not long ago how their top warrior kept disappearing and she would find him at the house of Rowan. The girl was a sight to behold even to the likes of Fae. Her and her sister looked complete opposites. Where Celeste could even pass for a Light Fae with her golden blonde hair, honey ringed blue eyes, and warmth of light radiating off of her, her sister Rowan was different. Rowan was quiet but sharp. Her sense Vitani would compare it to that of an animal. Her raven black hair and those emerald green eyes with a violet ring around the pupils weren't a dead giveaway that Rowan was special then maybe her moonlight skin that inhanced her beauty would express it. It was an added bonus she was a Healer, a wiccan and green witch.

Vitani smiled at how their top warrior would fixate on Rowan. While Celeste everyday focused on the forest, Rowan was hard at work in her garden. As she weeded and collected herbs for her store the top warrior watched her. This amused Vitani, as the honorary matchmaker she knew in that moment Rowan was the one.

Snapping out of the flashback in her mind Vitani found herself in front of Rowan's cabin once again. She watched as the three women seemed to be laughing inside. But she noticed Rowan's eyes drifted towards her. She knew the protection charm concealed her from Rowan's sharp gaze, however, she felt Rowan was staring right into her soul. Vitani froze in place not to disturb any brush that might give away her position. Those violet rimmed, emerald green eyes gave one last look towards the forest before returning back to the two women she engaged conversation with.

Vitani let out a heavy sigh. Rowan was observant unlike her sister. She noticed the younger sister seemed more naive, more to the liking of most Fae males. However, Rowan was fierce. She noticed everything and took mental notes. Something a great strategist would do in a war. Vitabi felt the great wiccan knew she and her sister were being watched but chose to ignore it. That was until she witnessed how she reacted to Heta, her neighbor's arrival. Also how she fought the pull. Rowan was strong minded and willed. She would be a great match for their top warrior, Harlem.

Before Vitani could head back to the kingdom a rather huge hand clamped down on her shoulder. In her pabicked state she mustered up a pathetic innocent smile as she turned to face the one and only King of the Fae, King Raoul.

"Vitani, what are you doing?" His deep melodious voice whispered with a hint of a smirk.

"Hello, Raoul!" Vitani blurts out.

"Vitani?" The king's eyes bore harshly into hers.

"I'm sorry," sighing heavily Vitani struggled to react calmly. "I came earlier with Milan but all three women were outside. His mate is Heta but I noticed how Harlem has been coming here also in secret His fixation is on the wiccan, Rowan."

"Rowan?" The king ponders looking up at the sky. "You mean the raven haired one?"

Vitani suddenly realized the king also knows the girls. Her emotions goes from panicked to disgusted. He's a king and he has lowered himself to spying on the women just like the shaman and the top warrior. How creepy and disturbing. These men need serious help, stalking these women so much Rowan took noticed.

"Perverts," Vitani mutters.

"Excuse me?" Raoul says puzzled.

Vitani brushes past him. Now she uunderstands why Rowan stays on guard. Men are complete and utter perverts, such imbeciles. How long do they watch them? Vitani wonders. Looking back at the king she says a bit louder, "Lowly perverts."

The king's footsteps pause behind her. She turns to see the sight of the king blushing and watching as Celeste was back outside painting. His glacier blue eyes glowed with each brush stroke. Then in a blink of an eye his gaze shifted to the left of Celeste His body whicb was relaxed grows frigid. Vitani's eyes follow his stare to meet the glaring eyes of Rowan and behind her the scared eyes of Heta. Could Rowan's heightened senses brushed off on Heta? Or was it just Rowan's aura that was effecting Heta? Whichever it was Rowan could sense them and Heta had an inkling someone was watching.

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