Ch. 3

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As Celeste went outside to paint I followed along with Heta behind me. However, as I got to the opened doorway I could feel eyes watching once again. My body naturally tensed and I grabbed the pruners I laid on the side table. I could feel Heta's presence behind me. She gave uneasy vibes. Could she sense the eyes from the forest too?

"Rowan?" Her shaky voice whispered.

"I'm fine Stay with Celeste. I'm going to finish weeding."

Walking towards the forest I got a strange feeling deep in my gut. I stopped right on tje edge of my garden, eyes focused. The intimidating aura pushed out to me but I didn't budge. There isn't a soul alive that can put me into submission. As soon as I zoned in on whatever was in front of me movement came fron the brush to my left. Without thinking I threw my pruners into the forest I think I heard a loud hiss or a growl before Celeste called out to me. I would have to find my pruners later when the girls fall asleep.

When I turn back around I see Celeste and Heta staring at me frightened. I try to give my best 'everything is okay' smile. I kind of got a feeling they know something is up well at least Heta does. Its her eyes that give her away. Her eyes slowly drifting off to what might lay hiding amongst the trees and the brush. Her brows scrunch together in a troubled look with her lips pursed together. I glance over my shoulder glaring at the forest myself. Whatever is hiding inaide the forest is still watching and we are its prey.

My thoughts drift off for a second before I turn to face the girls. If the Fae are real could I have just started something bad? I shake my head at the thought. There will be a lot of planning in my future when the time comes. One if not all is the target of whatever is hidden amongst the forest. I cannot accept that fate for us. I will not take this lying down. If the Fae are real and they have come here for one of us I know I am not the one they want. They might try to lure me away to get to the girls but I will refuse. Therefore I have to be vigilant and keep watch over Celeste and Heta for their own protection.

"Rowan, do you think it could be?"

My gaze drifts to Celeste. Her beauty is beyond compare and I know she's probably the target. I know they are waiting for when I'm distracted to get her. Then there is Heta, she also is beautiful with such grace. Could she be who they are after? Either way it doesn't matter. I will protect them at all cost. Fae or no Fae, nobody will sneak by and kidnap my sister and my friend. They are important to me. I will keep them safe even if that means I have to die trying.

"Celeste, from now on do not go outside without me present. Do you understand? Same with you Heta." I could here the unease in my own voice.

"You called me Heta," her voice rang out a bit of happiness.

"Well I think its been long enough. Should be on a first name basis now since we are friends. Especially since I'm going to be your bodyguard as well." I shrug trying not to give them any indication of the fear i feel right now.

"Really Rowan, do you think it is needed?" Celeste says sighing but her body language gives her away. She knows whatever was out there wasn't an animal. She felt the presence just like I had like Heta had. Their eyes giving away their fear.

"Celeste , sweetheart, we all know whatever Rowan sensed wasn't an animal." Heta says quietly like whatever is in the forest won't hear her.

"But Heta," Celeste whines like a troubled child.

"Quiet Celeste," I warn.

As Heta ushers Celeste inside I slowly walk up the porch steps. The shiver that runs down my body sets my hair on edge. My nails dig deep into my palms as I ball my fists up. I can feel my blood about to break the surface of my skin. I can hear the voices of the girls inside. Whoever is watching us is probably enjoying all of this. Three frightened women scared to be alone. The freaks. I just hope they never realize what is coming for them if they try to take either Heta or Celeste. Hell fire will rain down upon their heads. I will never be their prey. I will be their worst nightmare, I will be the predator. Especially if they manage to kidnap the girls away from me.

In the dead of night I watch and wait. On the back porch I stare out into the forest. I can see a pair of eyes looking and watching me. I stare back in challenge. I already tried looking for my pruners earlier but to no avail. Whatever is creepily watching me must of stole them. That overwhelming presence however is gone. So I know this one has some friends lurking about. As I sit here gazing into this creatures eyes I notice they are animalistic. Those amber eyes speak volumes in the darkness. Emotions a man in love would express in a single glance at his lover. The aura slowly creeping onto my skin, this isn't the first time I felt it. No, years ago in my grief due to the dearh of my parents I have felt it. That same day a wolf came out of the woods and comforted me. I felt safe in a time my safe place was demolished. But just like everything I held dear the wolf too ended up leaving me. The only constant in my life has been Celeste. She is now my safe place just as I am hers. Also we both have Heta now too. They are my family now and I will keep them safe.

I heard a smile whine as I stare out at those eyes. I shake my head as I rock in the rocking chair that belonged to my grandfather. My attention moves towards the left of the creature. A growl eacapes from the creature before I can see what he's done. When I tey to figure out what just happened I hear a door close from inside. I bolt into the house without a second glance at those eyes. I run up the stairs and check on Celeste and Heta who are sleeping in Celeste's room. They are both sleeping peacefully while my heart is racing. Letting out a sigh I check to make sure the windows and doors are locked. As I lock the back door I look into the backyard into the tree line and those beautiful eyes are gone.

I double check every window and door and before I head to bed I look through the peephole of the front door. Fear races through me for a split second and I brush it off. I see nothing on the other side. Chuckling to myself at how ridiculous I am being i head to the couch with a pillow and blanket. Unless whoever is watching us scale a house I doubt they can break in. Plus the windows are locked and I'm downstairs so if they attempt I will hear them. As I lay down my body feels heavy for some reason. My eyes slowly close and I drift off to sleep without a second thought.

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