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    "Why aren't her eyes open?"
    "Oh, Riverfur. She's barely a day old. Give her some time."
    She got a small jump scare as she felt the rough texture of her mother's tongue against her neck. She snuggled closer to Sunwhisker, sensing the warm milk from her belly.
    "Well. . . Leopardkit opened hers," Riverfur licked her chest. "And both of my kits opened theirs the heartbeat they were born. I bet they're going to be natural warriors," she boasted.
    Sunwhiskers rolled her eyes. "We all know no kit can compete with yours of course," she teased.
    A tiny paw gently patted her head.
    Leopardkit! She mewed in annoyance and moved closer to Sunwhisker.
    Leopardkit groaned in annoyance. "Wake up, Servalkit!" She muttered. "There's so much to see outside of the nursery but, because of your stupid eyes, I'm not allowed to go out!"
    Sunwhisker shooed Leopardkit a few paw steps away. "Stop bothering your sister. She'll open her eyes in her own time."
    She got into a more comfortable position. I agree. In my own time.

    Arousing, she felt a heavy weight on her, immediately knowing it was her sister. She silently grunted in anger, trying to move away.
    She stayed still for a bit, focusing on everything around her. Beside her, she could feel her mother's belly rise and fall rhythmically. She could hear Riverfur snore. She sighed. With all this commotion and noise, there's no way she could fall back asleep.
    Then, Servalkit heard Stonekit and Lakekit talking outside of the nursery.
    "You be the rogue and I be the leader!" Lakekit commanded.
    "I was the rogue last time!" Stonekit snapped.
    "Was not!" Lakekit retorted.
    "Was too!"
    A tussle broke out while they were mewing high-pitched but soft battle cries.
    "Watch where you're rolling!" A cross meow of a she-cat was heard, which made them both silent.
    "Okay, fine, you be the leader," Lakekit gave up, "but I bet you can't get me!"
    Servalkit wriggled from under her sister. A newleaf breeze stirred the bramble walls and drifted through some holes and gaps—the same fresh forest her father carried when he last visited. It changed the aroma from the smell of old moss nests and milk to the smell of grass and fresh air—and she was grateful for that.
    Excitement made Servalkits claws twitch. I want to be a leader!
    For the first time, she stretched her eyes wide open, flinching and blinking against the shafts of light that entered the nursery. Once her eyes had gotten adjusted, she let out a soft gasp. It was huge! While her eyes were closed, she thought the nursery was a small and cozy den, but now she could see the bramble walls stretch high overhead, with tiny patches of blue beyond.
    Riverfur was hardly visible; she was curled in a tight ball with her nose tucked under her tail, her blue-gray pelt bright against the bracken underneath.
    The most familiar scent of all came from behind her. She stared at the most beautiful she-cat of all—her mother. Sunshine dappled Sunwhiskers golden fur with her white belly. Do I look like her? Servalkit looked over at her own pelt. It was fluffy, not sleek like Sunwhisker's. Servalkit had a tawny coat with black spots and stripes. She also noticed she had a white belly, the only similar thing to Sunwhisker. Maybe I look like Flamefoot.
    Leopardkit, lying stretched comfortably on her back, had a lighter fur color than Servalkit and had rosettes instead of spots.
    "Leopardkit!" Servalkit breathed.
    "What is it?" Leopardkit blinked her eyes open. They were pale yellow.
    Are mine also a light yellow? Servalkit wondered.
    "You finally opened your eyes!" Leopardkit leaped to her paws, her eyes as wide as the full moon out of excitement. "Now we can finally get out of the nursery!"
    Servalkit spotted a small hole in the bramble wall, big enough for the both of them to squeeze through. "Lakekit and Stonekit are already outside, let's surprise them!"
    Riverfur raised her head. "Don't go far," she mumbled drowsily before tucking her nose back under her tail.
    Leopardkit was already heading to the hole, scrambling clumsily over Sunwhisker. Servalkit tumbled after, her short legs wobbly as she slid down her mother's back and landed in the soft moss.
    A moss nest rustled and before she could leave the nursery from the hole a huge paw clamped her tail-tip to the ground, making her fall face first. Ouch!
    "Where do you think you're going?"
    Sunwhisker was awake.
    Servalkit turned around and blinked at her mother innocently. "Outside."
    Sunwhiskers eyes shone and a loud purr rolled in her throat. "You've opened your eyes," she sounded relieved.
    "I decided it was time," she puffed her chest proudly.
    Sunwhisker chuckled before turning and waking up the blue-grey queen. "There, Riverfur. I told you she'd open her eyes when she was ready."
    Riverfur sat up and gave her paw a lick. "Of course. I was only thinking of my own kits—they opened their eyes way sooner." She swiped her paw across her muzzle, smoothing the fur on her nose.
    Sunwhisker turned back to her kits. "So now you're going to see the world?"
    "Why not?" Servalkit squeaked. "Lakekit and Stonekit are already outside."
    "Lakekit and Stonekit are two moons old," Sunwhisker told her. "They're older than you, so they're allowed to play in the clearing."
    Servalkit opened her eyes wide. "Is it dangerous out there?"
    Sunwhisker shook her head. "Not in the camp."
    "Then we can go!"
    Sunwhisker sighed, then leaned down to smooth Servalkits fur with her tongue. "I suppose you need to leave the nursery sometime." She studied Leopardkit. "Straighten your whiskers." Pride lit in the queens amber gaze. "I want you both to look perfect when you meet the Clan."
    Leopardkit ran a paw over each spray of whiskers, and Servalkit did the same.
    Then Servalkit looked up. "Are you coming with us?"
    "Do you want me to?"
    She shook her head. "No. We're going to surprise Lakekit and Stonekit."
    "Your first prey," Sunwhiskers whiskers twitched in amusement. "Off you go, then."
    Servalkit bounced around and sprinted for the gap.
    "Don't get under any cat's paws!" Sunwhisker called after them as Servalkit barged ahead of her sister and headed through the hole. "And stay together!"

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