Today was the day we left to go to Disney World. It was early in the morning. I'm talking 7am. The hardest part is gonna be making sure Nicki is up on time. Our flight to Florida is at 10am but I have to make sure everyone is up & packed. I called Nicki but she didn't answer. I called Amoura's IPad & she answered. At least someone is up.

"Is your mommy up?" I asked as she nodded. "Mhm. She's right here. I'm in the tubbbb." She yelled as I laughed. She's always yelling. "Can i talk to her?" I asked. "Why you not call her phone?" She asked with attitude. "I did. Her didn't answer." I said as she looked at me with a understanding face. "Ohhhhhh. Here mommy." She said. I now saw Nicki's face instead. "Yes Beyonce I am up." She said as I giggled.

"Just making sure. I'm coming to get you around 9:00." I said. "I can drive us to the airport bey." She said. "I know but my driver is taking us so we don't have to leave our cars at the airport." I said smartly as she chuckled. "Don't get smart with me. I do beat ass. Ain't that right Momo?" She said pointing the camera to Amoura. "Mhm. Mommy beat ass!" She said then covered her mouth. "Oops." She said as I laughed. "It's not funny. You laughing she's gonna think that's funny." Nic said as i brushed her off. "She's get that from you. I don't even be cussing fr." I said. "Tuh. I can prove to you that's a lie." She said. "Okay I'll be waiting too." I said as she nodded.

I talked to them until it was time for me to get ready. "Alright I'll see y'all in a hour." I said as amoura waved & Nicki flipped me off. She giggled & hung up. She so childish.

Once I was done getting ready, I put the rest of my stuff in my suitcase & told my driver I was ready. I told him to go to Nicki's house & I typed the address in. I'm hoping that's the right house & all that stalking I did was worth it.

Soon as we pulled up, I saw her outside hugging some nigga. I frowned & got out. "Give us 10 minutes." I told my driver as he nodded. "Baby who this is?" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist. "Beyoncé, I am not your baby. But this is Nasir. Nasir this is Beyoncé." She said as I mugged him. Talking all that shit but didn't bother moving my arms.

"Could you not put your arms around her like that?" He asked as I laughed. "Why? Are you nervous that ima take your girl? Been there, done that, & I'd gladly do it again." I said. "Yo Nic what she talking about?" He asked as I just walked away. That don't have nun to do with me.

I saw Amoura standing in the doorway with her arms crossed so I walked up to where she was. "What's wrong princess?" I asked. "Mommy won't let me bring my Barbie dolls with me." She said pouting as I laughed a little. She looks like me but acts just like Nicki. "Okay well when we get to Florida, I'll buy you all the toys you want okay?" I asked as she smiled. "Okay. I ready go now." She said dragging her pink suitcase. Her & Nicki with this pink shit is so cute.

I didn't have a car seat so I buckled her in the best way I could & put her suitcase in the trunk. "I'll be back, talk to Julius." I said as she nodded. "He's bald headed dada." She said as I just shook my head & closed her door. That's surely Nicki's child.

"Nigga we aren't even together. How you gone tell me what I can & can't do?" I yelled as Nas lectured me about not getting to close to Beyoncé while I'm gone. "I don't get it Nic. You say we not together but we been fucking around for 2 years now. I'm convinced that Amoura is my child." He said as I laughed. I mean dying laughing. "Really? You're that dumb? Nigga when I met you, I was already pregnant. How the FUCK is she your child??" I asked. "Then who is her father Nic?" He asked. "Beyoncé is." I said as he just nodded. "I'm done here." He said.

"Mmm okay. Tf you want me to do, chase you? You not my nigga. Fuck outta here." I said. He walked to his car & I looked the other way to see Beyonce laughing. "It's not funny." I said walking towards her. "He's so pussy. But let's go. Kelly & Michelle is already at the airport." She said as I nodded.

I got into the truck & saw Amoura sitting on a bare seat. "Ofc, you'd have her sitting in the actual seat." I said. "Listen only seat I had at my house was my nephews & he's way older than her." She said as I thought about something. "Who's all going with us?" I asked. "Kelly, her son, & michelle." She said as I nodded. "Why isn't solo going?" I asked. "She thought you wouldn't wanna talk to her. Not after what she said to you." She said as I just sighed. "I mean this isn't about me tho. Amoura is apart of y'all family as well. So if she wanted to come she could've. I don't have anything against her. Just because we broke up doesn't mean I'm gonna hate y'all. Yeah she said a lot of fucked up shit about my pregnancy but we all know that none of it was true." I said.

"I guess. But let's not worry about that." She said as I nodded. "Momo you hungry?" I asked as she just shook her head. "No mommy." She said laying her head against her door as we just laughed. "She acts just like you." Bey said as I nodded. "& I hate that." I said. "You gone also hate how I have the rooms set up." She said as I tilted my head at her. "I'm not sleeping with you." I said. "I could only book 2 rooms bc it wasn't enough people for everyone to have their own separate rooms." She said as I nodded. "Okay well Michelle can sleep with amoura & i. You can sleep with Kelly." I said. "It's 2 beds in one room Nic. Michelle is gonna be in the room with Kelly & Titan. I'm gonna be in the room with you & amoura. It's final." She said as I rolled my eyes.

"As long as you stay on your side then fine." I said as she just laughed. "I don't know why you acting like you don't wanna be around me. I booked this for us to have fun, not for us to be acting like we're strangers. Like you been preaching to me, we ain't the same ppl we used to be. Act like we're only coparenting & stop tryna put your feelings before Amoura's." She said as I frowned.

"Sorry Bey. I won't talk to you unless it's about Amoura." I said as she wanted to say something else but she didn't, which I'm glad. I laid my head over on the window & we rode in silence the rest of the ride. She'd try to make small conversations but I never did respond. Eventually I felt myself dosing.

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