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One drop.

That's all it was. Just one drop that slowly made its way down my arm following some unseen path as it slowly worked its way to the pristine white tile that was underneath me. It dropped off my arm and with a soft bloop it landed in the small red puddle that had formed beneath my arm.

"Tae are you done up there?" My mother called up to me from the kitchen.

Sighing heavily I got up from the floor and washed the blood off my arm as I watched the skin pull itself together. I stared at my completely healed arm for a minute before bending down to clean up the blood that was slowly drying on the bathroom floor. The crimson liquid quickly soaked through the flimsy paper towels.

Walking over to the sink I sighed as the taps sputtered to life in front of me without me even having to touch it. I cupped my hands together, leaning down to splash some water on my face. The water drained as I schooled my features into something that was acceptable to my parents.

Looking back at the mirror I grimaced at the person in front of me. I was so different now. Jet black hair replaced the blonde hair I had as a child. Golden eyes stared back at me as I licked my new sharper canines. The night everything changed was a horribly painful night that I would never forget.

The horrible burning that spread through my body caused me to howl in pain and agony all night. There was no one there to rush me to a hospital as I lay on the floor, hot tears streaking down my face as I writhed in pain. My parents had been away on business trips and told me I was old enough to watch myself for a few days with the neighbor checking in every so often.

When the change happened I had been in so much pain that my body simply shut down. When I woke up the next morning I was a new person literally. Over the next few months I had discovered new abilities that I possessed as well as the need to hide my more drastic changes. Like my new eye color.

My parents demanded that I stopped wearing the contacts as soon as they got back. There was no way for me to argue either. How could I tell my parents that this was my natural eye color without them thinking I've gone crazy?

"Tae get down here now or else I'm coming up there!" My mother yelled again. I sighed and through the door to my bathroom open before stomping over to my bedroom door.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I screamed down at her before slamming the door closed.

Looking around my messy room I picked up the black skinnies I had thrown down and the black and red Asking Alexandria shirt I had tossed on my bed earlier and pulled them on easily. I went to my nightstand and pulled out the colored contacts that I hid in there. I slipped them on and groaned, rolling my eyes around to settle the contacts.

I snatched up my bag and jacket heading down the stairs towards the front door only to find my mother standing there, hands on her hips and scowl on her face. With one long manicured finger she pointed towards the kitchen.

My mother was shorter than me standing at 5'4 but she was a very strong woman. She was a business woman who was usually out the house by now but I guess my breakfast needs were more pressing. She had a pristine white apron wrapped around her slim waist hiding her fitted business attire. It didn't even looked used let alone look like she would use it.

She was a highly manicured woman who took no nonsense from anyone, even me. Like my father she was rarely ever home this was one of the rare moments that I caught her here before I left for school. Usually it was just a random note telling me how much she loved me and warning me to behave.

"Go eat something." She demanded, standing there until I moved towards the dining room. My father sat in his usual chair with the large newspaper covering his face. I rolled my eyes as he mumbled something akin to 'good morning' before he flipped the page, not even sparing a sideways glance at me.

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