Fox 22

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Instead of staying in we decided to clear our minds and get something to eat. Remembering this amazing pizza place down the street I gathered the three of us up and led us to get some food. I was extremely worried that Cano would draw attention, not to much from the people from my town but more so the Council of Mages. 

They were already here once. I didn't want them showing back up and discovering that we were harboring a magical fugitive but Cano seemed pretty calm about the whole situation. He was simply strolling besides us as we walked through the light snow flurries.

"I'm sorry but am I the only one that's concerned that you'll get caught out here with us?" Levi questioned, ever the mouthpiece for us.

"There are still a select few of people that we trust to help us out. They've managed to retrieve a few magical tokens that have concealed Merula and I from them. As soon as my love gives them the slip she will be back by my side. We expected for it all to be done before we got here but it seems like some of the things were a little harder to find." He explained.

With that explanation tucked away we rounded the corner and I spotted the Pizzeria about another couple feet down. I got excited because as good as the food back at Rhyeal was nothing compared to cooking you grew up with. There was always something just, calming about eating your favorite meal in your favorite place.

Before everything had begun to change this was the place where I would come and hang with my friends. Everyone would come here after school, buy a slice and just hang out. During the breaks everyone would come here and spend almost all day just relaxing.

"So have you been to our realm before?" I questioned Cano.

"Many of times but none too recently. I visited this town specifically when you were growing up. I came to see you and make sure you were fine growing up. The last time I came here was when you were eleven. You seemed so happy at school, we thought that we had made the right choice." He explained.

"I was happy until I changed into a familiar overnight. I didn't know what was happening and all of a sudden my eyes changed color, my hair changed color and the attitude of other to me changed as well. Everything was different." I explained.

After saying that I realized that this was the first time that I was outside in my hometown without my contacts in. My eyes were a bright gold just like Levi's and something in me was proud about that.

"Alright, we're here." I announced as I led us up to a worn building with a neon light in the front window that said open. Before I even walked in I could hear all the chatter of everyone inside, enjoying their own school break. My hand hesitated at the door, trying to decide whether or not I really wanted to go in.

"We don't have to do it if you don't want to." Alistair whispered.

"No, I need to do this." I answered as I pulled the door open. As soon as I stepped foot inside the noise died down as everyone took in the newcomers. Quickly I scanned the place, noticing a few familiar faces and instantly dreading my decision to come in here.

It was almost as if I had never left. They glared at me as if I was some sort of outcast and my heart kind of dropped being here again. I forgot the feeling I had every day while I lived here and just staring here brought it right back.

'Just remember everything we've been through the last couple of weeks. You're not alone anymore Tae. You have us.' Levi reminded me and he was right. I wasn't alone anymore, roaming the halls of my school. I was out with my friends and family getting something to eat and there was nothing anyone could do to hurt me.

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