Chapter 3

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The two teens walked hand in hand up the mountain, the sun was beginning to set and soon Y/n could join them. During their journey they had to make a stop to ask a woman for directions. She warned them of people going missing on the mountain, the two had to reassure her that they would be fine and thanked her.

As the sun finally set under the horizon and the moon's light broke through the trees, Tanjiro moved behind Nezuko and lifted a fussy Y/n out of the basket. “I know, I know! You don't like the basket, but it's only temporary! I promise!” Tanjiro held the small tot of anger in his arms, she was not happy about being cramped in a basket all day.

“It wasn't that bad, was it?” Nezuko asked, looking at the little girl she could tell she was pouting under the bamboo. Y/n raised her arms and shook them angrily, with muffled upset hums, ok, so they were going to need something with more room for her.

They continued up the mountain at a steady pace, as they got closer they could see a small temple. “Look, there’s a temple over there.” Nezuko pointed it out, catching Tanjiro’s attention. “There’s light leaking through, maybe someone’s home.” “Let’s check it out!” Nezuko was beginning to walk on, Tanjiro stopped, his eyes widening. “Onii-chan?” Nezuko looked back to her brother confused why he stopped, upon seeing his facial expression she knew instantly something was wrong.

“I smell blood..The mountain path is pretty rough. Someone must’ve gotten hurt!” Tanjiro grabbed Nezuko’s wrist, dragging her quickly with him to the door. This action for a moment made Nezuko’s mind flashback to a few days ago, the day they…no she needed to get her head back to the present.

Tanjiro sat Y/n down and slammed the shoji doors open.
“Are you all alright?!”

“Is everyone ok!?”


The sight before them was horrid bodies laid blood covered and lifeless, blood flowed down the wooden floors pooling at the feet of a hunched over man. The two teens were stunned into silence, their mind flicking back to the blood covered floors of their home.

“The hell? This is my turf” The man, no, Demon turned towards them, blood dribbled down his chin, the candle light making him appear ill. “You try and break into my territory,” Crazed eyes stared at them with anger and hunger, “I’ll make you pay!”

The demon stood facing the teens, Y/n was frozen in place, drool drenched her chin and neck of her kimono, the smell of blood was so…oddly good to her. “Huh? There’s something off about you.” The demon licked his fingers of blood, “Are you three humans?” The demon snarled a wild grin taking over his face.

The single candle in the home blew out and the demon launched himself forward. Tanjiro in an instant was tackled down off the small stairs, in a quick act of defense the boy grabbed his hatchet from its spot on his hip and sliced for the demon's neck.

“Onii-Chan!” Nezuko yelled after her brother as she watched him hit the ground with a pained grunt. The demon jumped back and reached for his neck, blood seeping out. The demon let out a laugh. “A hatchet, huh? Not bad. But a scratch like that. Should heal in no time!”

The demon lifted his head slightly so the teen before him could watch as the skin seemed to mold back together like nothing happened. “See that? The bleeding’s stopped already.” Tanjiro gasped, not believing his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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