Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven- The Pursuit

Daegan looked down from his bedroom window and watched as Kieran walked Sinopa around the grassy fields. She was just strolling with her dragon, occasionally feeding her bits of dried beef, as if she were walking with a common pup and not a giant fire-breathing beast. He smiled as she closed her eyes and titled her head up to the sun, Sinopa doing the same thing, like a mirror of Kieran. Daegan was so enchanted, he barely realized Dowan had entered the room until the advisor placed a hand on his shoulder to shake him out of his reverie.

"Dowan! Good morning, old man." Daegan could feel himself blushing, as if he were some young, foolhardy boy who was caught doing something wrong. "I was just admiring the gardens."

"Really? I've lived in this castle since before you were born, and I'm almost certain the gardens are on the other side," Dowan sarcastically replied, smirking at the young king.

"Very funny," Daegan said, walking towards the door and exiting his room. Dowan was right on his heels.

"So if you weren't admiring the gardens," the old man continued, "what was His Majesty admiring?"

Daegan turned on him, more out of defense than anger, and said, "She is my wife! Is it wrong for me to look at her?"

"Of course not," Dowan told him, chuckling. "But perhaps you should be a bit more subtle. You were practically drooling, like a dog staring at a nice chunk of meat."

"Don't call her a chunk of meat."

"But may I still call you a dog?" Dowan continued chuckling, throwing an arm over Daegan's shoulders. "Relax, my king, it's just an infatuation."

"But I think it's more than that," Daegan led Dowan to a small room and closed the door behind him. He paced around the empty room, trying to calm his nerves. "I'm more than infatuated. Do you know that I haven't touched a woman since I met her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Before the day I laid eyes on her, I would have a different woman every night. Two, even three women at time if I wanted! But since I met her, I can't even look at other women."

"Have you tried?" Dowan asked, scratching his chin in thought. "You were always fond of those two at the brothel, the one dark and the other light. Have you met with them?"

"No, but I had a red haired wench sent to me a couple days ago and only after a minute of nothing I sent her back."

"Why don't you go to the brothel and visit your favorites then?"

"I don't know, it feels wrong."

"Just do it, I have a thought and I want  to see if I'm right. You can go now and meet me for lunch later to tell me how it went."


"You used to love exercising in the mornings," Dowan quipped. Daegan nodded, feeling a sense of spirit return in him.

"Alright," he nodded. "I'll see you for lunch."


"We've missed you, m'lord." The whore with the dark hair led Daegan into the room, the lighter haired one following behind. "What's kept you from us for so long?"

The two whores gently pushed Daegan onto the bed and then slowly undressed themselves while Daegan responded, "I've been having some troubles recently." He felt awkward and didn't know what to do, not like his usual self in the bedroom.

"What kind of troubles?" The blonde one asked, completely naked now. She got onto her knees and deftly unlaced his trousers. After running her hands over his manhood for a bit, she replied, "Oh, I see. M'lord is having trouble stiffening."

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