Suprise in the making

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~lights p.o.v~

After getting off the phone with Ty I questioned why this guy was so interested in Elsa. He's such a basic bad boy, with a horrible history of cheating and breaking hearts. But I quickly brushed that off and proceeded to call sky to get here to help me.

We ended up deciding it would be best if we had the party at Elsa's place, we drove to a party store and bought a few balloons and streamers and some cups and a whole bunch of snacks. We then took all the balloons and shoved everything in my car and drove to Elsa's flat as soon as we got their we faced our first problem. Not only did we not have a key but we also didn't remember where she lived.

Sky- "good job lights we didn't think this through very well"
Lights- "hey we both agreed you could of remembered we wouldn't know where she lives."
Sky- "you know what I'll call Braxton."

She pulled out her phone and called him, after a few rings he answered and agreed to help us get into her flat. We probably broke a couple of laws and most surely messed up the lock to her door but after Braxton helped us get in we realized the little bit of decorations we bought would not be enough for her flat. I called up some bakery from down the road and asked to have a cake made for her, while I did that sky made a few phone calls and invited way to many people. Now I just had to text Ty and tell him where the party was at.

Lights- hey, where at Elsa's place. don't question how we managed to get in here. just bring her over here at 9.

Ty- um ok? Be their at 9.

~Ty's p.o.v~
we walked into this very elegant room and proceeded to keep walking to the back and out a door, once outside we where now on a balcony with a private table set for two with whine glasses a couple of roses and some lanterns it looked stunning of course by the look of Elsa's face it was more then that. She smiled as I pulled out the chair for her to sit and she sat down then I quickly took a seat across from her and the waiter gave us our menus. He left us alone and said he'd be back soon to get out order.
Elsa- "this is beautiful... you know you didn't have to do this.. I mean you barely know me and this is just so much.."
Ty- "this is the least I could do to such a beautiful girl like you, and plus it being your birthday you clearly deserve this."
We eventually decided on ordering some chicken Alfredo for her and some crab linguine for me. While we waited on our food I insisted on us getting to know each other a little more, she started, "Okay well theirs not really much to say about my life, I'm your typical good girl at school with good grades and a basic cheerleader.. but outside of school it's a different story, I can go 0-100 real quick and I'm not afraid of hurting a bitch. But im also really loving and can care way to quickly and way to long about someone." and I continued after she finished, "haha ok well for me it's a little different I've always been the basic bad guy with some bad habits and I feel your good girl self isn't ready for that." I said smiling. she scrunched her nose and said "I beg to differ I can be bad to and isn't that one of the reasons we're dating?" right as she said that my phone went of lighting up i saw it was from that lights girl, I didn't bother to read it that fast but instead shoved my phone into my pocket. Elsa seemed confused and said she was going to the bathroom. I took that as a good time to answer lights, I realized we weren't gonna be staying here till 9:00 so I had to figure out where else I could take her. Locking my phone and putting it back into my pocket I started thinking of any good places to take her. That's when I remembered somewhere I could take her but I still am not sure. 

~Elsa's p.o.v~
This place was beautiful something I was definitely not expecting. I smiled as we walking to the back and got seated, my mind couldn't get over how great this was. We where taken to a beautiful set up with roses and lanterns. We talked for a while then his phone went off I didn't get to see who it was but I did get to see it said 'at 9' great he's probably gonna leave me by then. i thought to myself 'oh god Elsa your getting to paranoid about him leaving' and before I could say anything else I told him I was going to the bathroom and decided on calling lights and see what she thinks. After a few times ringing she didn't answer me. great. I quickly checked my hair and makeup and walked back to the table. their he sat smiling. "hey sorry if it took me long." I said as I sat down "its okay, our food is almost ready by the way." We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about pointless things and then got ready to leave. "I'm guessing your gonna take me home now?" I asked as we walked out of the restaurant, "nope I have one more special place to take you" he said smiling. i was a little shocked by this seeing that it was already 7:00 and it would take us about 30 minutes to get to my place. We walked out and got into the car then he insisted on me telling him my favorite ice cream flavor and after telling him we drove by Starbucks and got some coffee then we went to some store i had never seen and he asked me to stay in the car while he went to go buy something. i agreed not knowing exactly what was going on but i was to lazy to go with him and get whatever it was that he would be getting. he quickly parked and told me to wait and not leave. i laughed and said "yeah i don't know were i am and i'm pretty sure their are drug addicts everywhere in a place this sketchy. im definitely going to take a step out of this car without you" he laughed and said "good i don't want you to leave" he quickly disappeared into the store and i just sat their in a really quiet parking lot. everything seemed so creepy from how this was the only store within miles and that their was a total of about six cars in this big parking lot and they all seemed way to close to where i sat. The more i thought about it the creepier this place got and it was very unsettling. the longer Ty took in that store the creepier this place got with all the flickering side lights and animals barking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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