Dream Come True

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I tense, waiting for the round to start. As soon as the bullhorn goes off, I lunge at my opponent, taking her by surprise. I quickly wrap my arms about the girl's neck; and put her into a choke hold. I hear her gasping for breath, but I don't even blink. It's either me or her... And I'm determined NOT to let it be me.
In a pinch, it's over. The dead girl lies on the floor of the stadium, her golden hair streaming around her.
"Good job Aero!" Prit says, with that oily smile of his. "You've done so well lately!"
A man in a dark cloak sidles up to us.
" May I please speak to Aero... Alone," the mysterious man asks, though he says it more like a command then an inquiry.
" Why yes!" Prit exclaims, darting a sly glance at me. " Pray tell, what is it you would like to talk to her about?" He continues, the swollen flesh around his eyes bundling up into sacs, as he grins.
The cloaked man fixes Prit with a stare so sharp and long, it's like his eyes are boring into Prit's very soul! I notice his eyes, a startling shade of green. They are beautiful.
I continue to study his eyes, as Prit gulps; and hastily backs away. The stranger gets right down to business.
" You have exquisite fighting skills. I have been watching you for several days." The man says, apologetically.
My eyes widen in shock, but that's not all.
" Oh! I'm sorry, my name is Derodious Vandervan, I am the dean of M.A.R.C.T. I presume you HAVE heard of it?" the dean questions, looking at me expectantly.
I gasp. M.A.R.C.T is something I've only ever DREAMED of, a fantasy talked about during snippets of meals and break times.
"I think you are an excellent fighter, therefore, a scholarship could be in place for you," the dean explains.
" That would be great!" I concur.
"Wonderful!" The dean yells, beaming at me.
I smile back. After all, dreams don't come true everyday.

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