Par-TAY Time

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Gong. Gong. Gong. The clock strikes twelve, midnight. I covertly sneak out the entrance, but am waylaid by Talcon.
"Where's the sexy lady going at this time of night?" He drawls, blocking me against the wall.
"I just needed fresh air," I lie, batting my eyelashes.
He flashes me a gleaming grin.
"Then let me accompany you," he coos, his fangs grazing my neck.
"Alright," I concede, then I whack him on the head with a bludgeon.
Talcon moans before finally keeling over.
I hurry up the tower steps; and see the last few stragglers tripping out the back gates; and Koris' lithe form herding them from behind. Once they're out of view, I get into action.
I fill the bomb's gunpowder tank, coat it in gasoline; and set the time on the digital countdown.
I wait for 12:05, to make sure Striker has lit(and dropped) the assigned cigarette in the appointed plant, then hurl the bomb into the air. I see Striker running from the building as fast as possible, towards the forest.
In exactly 15 seconds, the bomb will be activated; and ignite the plant, causing an uproar; and burn the whole place down.
I wait, and wait, and wait.
Ka-BOOM! I look out the tower window just in time to see the castle catch flames.
In a few moments, Castle Scarana and its people will be no more.
I hear the agonized screams coming from inside as the people burn with the castle. Striker made sure of that.The padlock is holding fast. I hurry down the steps to meet Striker and Koris outside the city gates. I'm glad THAT'S over and done with.

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