Surprise, Surprise, BOO!

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"Today, you will be getting your first mission. You will be paired up with students from an advanced level, particularly level 5." Mr. Firm announces.
"Now, I know y'all think of this as a project; and it is, but I promise it won't be too bad," Mr. Firm says, as the class erupts in moans.
"I would like you all to practice your moves with a partner while we wait for the level 5's to arrive. GO!"
The class immediately becomes a beehive of activity.
Riss and I pair up, of course.
A knock resounds on the hollow door; and everyone scrambles into a straight line.
Mr. Firm opens the door; and an elegant woman sweeps in, leading a line of students.
"Everyone, this is Ms. Aritsa," Mr. Firm introduces the lady.
"Class, this is Mr. Firm," Ms. Aritsa announces, in a husky voice.
"Alright, I will read out the pairs. When your name is called, go to the spot I indicate. Each pair was individually selected by both Ms. Aritsa and me, according to different things, such as compatibility and such, therefore, all the pairs are good ones. There will be no whining or excuses if you do not like your partner. If it is REALLY a serious issue, either Ms. Aritsa or me will intervene. Understood?" Mr. Firm booms.
"Yes," the classes chorus.
"Let us begin!" Mr. Firm chimes.
I tune out; and don't even notice when Riss and Oridion leave my side, but I snap back to attention when I hear my name called.
"Aero and Striker!" Mr. Firm motions to a spot a few inches from the door.
I scurry over. When I turn around, I find myself staring straight at Mystery Boy, who is looking to his side as he walks over.
When he sees me, he does a double take. Our eyes lock; and I see the green hidden in the deep blue.
"So," Striker says.
"So," I repeat.
"Aero is a nice name," he says, looking at me.
"Thanks, Striker is cool too," I reply, scuffing my shoe on the floor.
"Thanks," Striker says.
I look up; and he holds my gaze.
I hear people talking and moving, but I can't stop looking at him.
"Aero! Striker!" Mr. Firm shouts, breaking my trance.
We both look over.
"This is your mission!" He shouts, huffing and puffing.
Striker takes the papers Mr. Firm hands us.
"You guys can go wherever you want to discuss and stuff," Mr. Firm says, doubling over.
"Ok," we say.
As soon as Mr. Firm leaves, Striker asks, "So where do ya wanna go?"
"Um, I dunno," I reply.
"I think I may know a place," Striker says, then grabs my arm and hauls me out the door.
I see Riss' amused face, as I am jolted through; and Oridion's concerned one, but I feel perfectly fine.

"Here we go!" Striker says, as he lets go of my arm.
We're outside, in the copse of trees.
"Let's see what we got here!" He continues.
Striker's brow furrows, as he reads the instructions. It's cute.
He looks up and catches me staring at him. He smiles his wicked smile and I blush.
"Here," Striker hands me the paper.
The instructions are in all caps.


"Wow, that's a bit..." I hesitate, searching for a word.
"Scary?" Striker gently prompts.
"Yeah, I guess,"
"We could do it in the night," I suggest.
"And I know a lock picking technique," Striker adds.
"It'll be ok," I say, doubtfully.
"It will," Striker confidently says; and I believe him.

Striker sidles up to me during the first free time.
"Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Sure," I say.
He literally drags me, down the hall.
"Where are we going?" I ask, as I'm jostled against the walls.
Striker doesn't reply. He comes to a screeching halt; and I'm wobbly. He suddenly let's go; and I'm falling, fast, but he quickly grabs me around the waist and pulls me back up. He's so close, I can smell his scent, a mixture of air and clean laundry.
"You ok?" He asks, panting.
"Yeah," I say dumbly.
Striker gently levers me down to the floor.
He unlocks his door and ushers me inside.
"So, I was thinking, we could do our project tonight. We'll meet up by the big fountain, you know the one, of the dean? Then we can sneak up; and steal the book!" Striker says, breathlessly.
"Sounds good," I say, moving to get up.
"Alright, see ya!" Striker tosses back, already preoccupied, with some weird chemical he has sitting on his desk.

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