No Way!!!

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At training the next day, the level 5's assemble with us lowly level 1's. Other groups go on to their fave spots to continue planning, or working, depending, but not Striker and me. We march right up to the two teachers; and when we announce we are finished the mission, they stare at us, flabbergasted, their eyes pin balling between us.
Striker shows them the book as proof.
"Well," Mr. Firm says, shaking his head.
"Impressive," Ms. Aritsa says, nodding approvingly. "Here's your next challenge," she says, sending us on our way.

It goes on like this for six months, breaking and entering, face offs, scariness; and the last challenge is biggest of all.

"That teacher is as large as a HORSE!!" Riss says, when I tell her at lunch.
"Sure is!" Striker says, coming up behind us in the food line.
"What are you doing here?" I ask him.
"It's a free country. Plus, people gotta eat!" he says, smiling crookedly.
Six months being partners; and I STILL haven't got Striker figured out in the least!!!
I just roll my eyes. His smile widens.
Riss giggles, looking past me; and I twist around to see Oridion being harassed by 5 girls.
"The girls seem to REALLY like him!" Riss snorts.
"Yeah, he's acquired a number of suitors!" Strikers says, mischievously, throwing me a quick glance.
"It's probably 'cause he's hot, nice, smart, and isn't scary!" I suggest.
"You think he's hot?" Riss exclaims, her dimples showing.
"Well, I don't like him, if that's what you mean," I announce to Riss' and Striker's astonished stares.
"It's true though!" I say in defence, as they continue to stare at me.
"Sounds like you like him to me," Striker says slowly.
"I don't!" I cry, throwing my hands up in frustration. " I'm saying those compliments because it's TRUE; and I was saying that I thought that's why OTHER girls liked him!"
"UM hmm," Striker hums, as he grabs a platter. "You like him."
"I do NOT!" I shout, exasperated.
He raises an eyebrow.
"Well I don't!" I mutter; and rush off to my room.

During free time, I hear a knock on my door.
" Coming!" I shout, as I scramble to answer the door.
I falter, as I see Striker in front of me. I start to slam the door, but he jams his foot in the door and I can't shut it.
Striker pummels his way through.
I don't realize I'm shaking until Striker asks," Why are you shaking?"
I mutter something unintelligible, hoping he'll leave it at that.
He doesn't.
"What?" He asks, cupping his ear and leaning forward.
That's when I punch him.
"Hey!" He yells, snatching my arms, as I prepare for another swing. "What was that for!" He yells, angry, now.
"I don't appreciate people being smart alecks ," I grumble, gritting my teeth.
Striker looks taken aback.
"Look, I didn't mean..." He trails off when I glare at him.
"Whatever," he mutters, slamming the door behind him.

I wait as the red hot fury takes me, then I unleash the torrent of punches and kicks which ensues.
"Huh, huh!" I grunt, as I demolish the punching bag.
"That mad, huh?" Striker says, calmly walking into the room.
I stop my barrage of violence, only to give him a glare.
Striker sighs.
"Hey, I just wanna be friends, ok? Friends?" He pleads, extending his hand to me.
I look at him with mistrust.
"Please?" He asks.
"Fine," I say, grudgingly.
"Mr. Herty is standing, talking to Mr. Firm in the hall outside," Striker motions with his head. "Ya wanna go jump him?"
I glare at him for a few seconds, watching him squirm. I squint my eyes.
"If I jump him with you now, do ya promise not to tease me anymore?" I roughly ask.
Striker's face falls.
"Well, I dunno if I can promise THAT," he says, shifting uncomfortably.
"Fiiiiinnnne," I drawl, making him smile.
"Woot woot!" Striker yells, pumping his arms.
I roll my eyes. Boys will be boys.

"Hiya!!!" We yell, as we launch ourselves at Mr. Herty.
We hear him give a loud "oof!"
Once we've tackled him to the ground, we beam up to Mr. Firm, for approval.
"Wonderful!" He cries. "Beautifully executed!!! Come to my office, there's news I'd like to share with you two."
Striker and I exchange a glance. What would THIS be about?
As we traverse the half empty hallway, I wonder what it would be. Did I do something wrong? I scan my head for ideas, but I come up blank.
Finally, we reach the office.
Mr. Firm speaks."aHEM!!!" He says, clearing his throat.
"You two have been very great workers, partners, skills complementing the other's; and overall, both of you have been excellent."
My heartbeat returns to its normal pace. I hadn't even realized it had sped up. Well, that's good then. I'm not in trouble.
"I believe, erm, WE believe," Mr. Firm corrects himself, as the dean steps out from the recesses of the room.
"That you two can be official work partners; and you will not be in training anymore, but will also be in the field. As you know, due to complications, Orianna and Oridion were paired up, against my better judgement, but, it's better than having Orianna and Yilla fighting like cats and dogs!"
I smile, remembering how Riss charged at Yilla when she got annoyed; and their cat fights, always ending in scratches and bruises!
"You will be able to work alongside them, I know you're friends, so you can help each other," Mr. Firm continues, covertly.
"Yes; and perfect timing too, we have the perfect mission for you," the dean says, making me jump out of my skin.
I had forgotten he was there too!
"You will be taking down the Countess Scara, who is a vampire, therefore, you must be VERY careful, as her people are also. I cannot emphasize this enough," Mr. Firm says sternly.
"We understand,"Striker says, for both of us.
"When do we start?" I ask hesitantly.
"Tomorrow morning, you two and your friends will be conveyed, separately, to Hakriatta, then from there, you are on your own. You must reach Pakusso to get to Scarana Castle. Understood?" The dean asks.
"Yes," we reply.
"You WILL be careful, won't you?" Mr. Firm asks anxiously.
"Yes," we confirm.
"Pack your bags and get ready to roll," the dean adds sharply.

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