09. Free Now

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The entirety of Auradon Prep was outside all crowding around a balcony, practically pressed up to the barrier. However, I was one of the few lucky people that were invited to the balcony, it pays to be a VK, below was hectic, people accidently shoving others over and elbows flying into stomachs. Whoever's idea it was to get everyone out was an idiot.

There was talk of an announcement, which made sense with the amount of people crammed into a small space, but it had to be important and something to do with the barrier, why else would we be next to it?

I was told to dress fancy for that moment, I wasn't given any reason, just to do it. And I did, Evie let me have the red and black dress I saw at her boutique and I was right, it suited me brilliantly. It fell just above my knee, a black bow at the waist and delicately woven with shiny black fabric top. She gave me shoulder-less sleeves and a couple of black heels to match, it was like it was made for me.

Mal and Ben soon emerged onto the platform, a small wave from her and a large wave from him, their personalities conflicted eachother so much that it worked. It was pure and beautiful.

I was stood next to Evie who was wearing another dress I recognised, a glittery dark blue one that was ruffled on the shoulder, another amazing work from her. 'I knew that dress would suit you.' She whispered to me, I said thank you with a smile and watched forward, scanning the crowd for people I recognised. Jane and Audrey were stood near the front, Alice's daughter was by the back and the rest of the faces were a blur, a few I recognised but never got the names of.

I caught Jane's eye, a small smile on her face making me smile too. I had seen a peek at her dress earlier but never got a chance to see it in it's full, it was beautiful, very Jane, very blue.

'What's up, Auradon!' Ben shouted into the microphone, the crowd exploding in applause and cheers. He continued to talk to them all with Mal nervously fidgeting beside him, something was about to happen or something did happen.

Mal glanced my way, as if she could feel my stare. I mouthed 'you okay?' and she nodded, a smile that looked geniune thrown my way. Might have been nothing then.

I was still wearing my ring, I tried to experiment with it earlier, seeing if I could control whatever power it possesses. I tried reciting random spells that I had memorised with no avail. I ended up just smacking my hand around at one point just to see if anything would happen. Spoiler, nothing did.

I had decided that I either didn't have the right intent to use it, or it was only able to be used in intense situations. Either way I was unable to use it, but it suited the dress so it stayed on. A part of me wanted to leave it on just in case it randomly wanted to work, I didn't know if I exactly wanted it to work in front of the entirety of Auradon Prep but there was nothing I could do about it anymore.

'And a message from our queen...' Ben continued, passing the microphone to Mal, who cautiously took it. Something was definitely about to happen.

'I can't be your Queen.' Everyone gasped, a part of me wanted to laugh, I didn't know why. Whispers passed through the crowd and even between King his fiancée themselves. 'I can't just be Queen of Auradon, I have to be Queen of the Isle too.' A bit greedy, but okay, I saw where she was coming from.

Every VK that lived in Auradon would always have a part of them still on the Isle, no matter what. A part of me will always be in Wonderland, exiled or not. I understood why she wanted to be Queen of the Isle and marrying Ben would automatically make her Queen of Auradon, so being Queen of both wasn't very surprising. However saying it out loud doesn't sound the greatest. But I could be wrong.

'It's time to take down the barrier, for good.' I gasped that time, a mix shock and excitement coursing through me. The barrier was coming down, forever. But that meant Wonderland had access to Auradon too, which can't end well. In no world would it end well.

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